Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

I decided to be all goth and hardcore today. Dangit Mike Hagan why don't you read my blog anymore!! No one else will get it. *pouts* I am in serious need of a nice long blogging experience, but I am kinda busy with wedding stuff and the holiday weekend and everythig, I just...can't!! I'm so sorry, I will be better next week. See ya!!
Posted by Miss KeKe

Friday, May 28, 2004

This is me today. I am childless. My ex husband is in town and he has the kids. I feel very very lonely, but at the same time it is a much needed break. I have a LOT of errands to do before the wedding so that's why I haven't been blogging much. I promise when I get my honey-do list all done today I will blog a real entry. Love you all!!!
Posted by Miss KeKe

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

This is where you can usually find me. Sorry I didn't make a real entry today, it was a long night last night, what with horrendously scary storms and all.
Posted by Miss KeKe

This is me this evening, posing and being a weirdue, as they say in Illinois.
Posted by Miss KeKe

Monday, May 24, 2004

I took this onr this morning. Blech.
Posted by Miss KeKe

This is a picture of me taken this morning. I am so gorgeous. You know you want me.
Posted by Hello

I've decided to start photoblogging. Along with each days entry, I will post a picture of some kind. Blogger has this really nifty tool to automatically add pics to the blogs. It is way less hassle than uploading the pictures to photobucket and then linking it to the blog.

Hollie and Bubba are attempting to take a nap at the same time, in the same room today. I can hear Bubba crying already and I am wondering if Sissy is torturing him. ok, I went to check, she wasn't doing anything, in fact, she was actually laying down in her toddler bed with her Chicky blanket and her kitties. She has 2 beanie baby type kittens, one is Brownie and the other is Pinky. One is pink, one is brown, duh. She treats them like her babies. She takes really good care of her lil babies too. She even dresses them in doll clothes. It is really funny, she is such an odd child. Bubba Blue is still my baby. He still has a little baby face, and even though I can see the tell-tale signs of growing up emerging, he still has a lot of infantile behaviors. Probably because I baby him still. I know you all think I'm gonna turn my son into a wuss, but so what, he's my cuddlebuddy. I don't believe in that macho poopoo anyways. I don't think you can turn a boy gay or make him into a weenie just by giving him lots of love. I learned in my sociology class that if we let our sons play with "girl toys" it will actually help them to become better fathers and more compassionate people. If a boy doesn't play with baby dolls or play house, how else is he going to learn how to be in those roles when he's older? It all begins now, even at their young ages. I know some guys would rather die than let their son play with Barbie, but I think it's ridiculous to assign a gender to certain toys. They are just innocent little kids for pete's sake.

Ok, off the soapbox.
This is a very busy week. Tomorrow Abbey comes back to Decatur. She is finally escaping the boyfriend who has treated her like dirt for the past year. I am really proud of her. She gets in at 8 tomorrow morning. Then at 4 pm we have a birthday party for Hollie and Bubba's cousin Tori. She will be turning 3 years old. Then Thursday my ex husband flies in to take the kids for a few days. He is going to Korea for a year, and then to Guam for 15 more months so he is coming to tell the kids goodbye. I am not looking forward to Thursday one bit. I am really feeling sick about handing over my precious babies to a man who hasn't seen them but 3 days in the last year. His Mom is going to be staying with them to help him out, since he obviously has no idea how to raise children. We moved when bubba was only 4 months old, and we were spending so much time apart before that. He never really did much for them, it was always me. I am not writing this for attention or a pity party. I love my children so much, and I am just worried about them. My ex husband never had much interest in being their caretaker. When he divorced me he just handed over full custody to me, and he has never taken advantage of his visitation rights. I am sure they will be fine, I just worry too much. I should be happy that he is showing an interest now, but to me it's like too little too late. He's coming to see them for a couple days before he drops out of their lives for 2 years. I kind of wish he'd just leave them be, they have been fine living here without him.

Off of my second soapbox now.
I think I am going to run down and take the trash out while my children are confined to their bedroom. I can also throw my laundry in yay! Ahhh the life of a single parent. A shower is almost a luxury. I will add some photos later. I love you all!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I don't know what I was doing here....but it looks funny. I'm a huge goofball!!! Chunk looks like he's high here or something doesn't he?
Posted by Hello

This is a picture of us where we are both too busy staring at our image on the PC screen to look directly at the camera lens. I thought it was purdy funny.
Posted by Hello

Chunk and KeKers
Posted by Hello

Charles and Little Charles
Posted by Hello

Today there were tornado warnings in the counties around us. I was full of anxiety and I was inwardly panicking. I have this intense fear of tornadoes. I have nightmares about them at LEAST 5 times a month. Thr kids and I were having dinner with Phyllis and Shelley at their house, and I couldn't even carry on a conversation because I was freaking out so bad. Luckily, they know about my fear and weren't expecting too much out of me. After dinner we had popcorn and watched some American Idol thing. I haven't watched television in ages, and to be honest with you I can't remember anything that happened tonight on that show because I was just obsessing in my mind about a tornado coming to take us away to the wonderful land of Oz. We had this really yummy noodle thing with beef tips. It was sooooooo good, it had tons of onions, my fav!!

I don't really have a whole lot to say. I am tired and I think I better hit the sack.
I am VERY thankful for tornado sirens.
I love you all!!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

My chunk left...And man I miss him already so much. He left Thursday afternoon. That was a lonely drive back from Springfield,and a lonely trip up the stairs to our lonely apartment. Ugh. We had a really great visit though, and I feel like we're much closer. We were super close before, but now it's a whole new level. I am so thankful to have met him, and have him in my life, and my kids lives. They love him so much! The day after he left Hollie was having an argument with me over the fact that he was gone. She said, " Where Chunk Mommy?" and I told her he went back to Colorado, and she screamed , "NO MOMMY! WHERE CHUNK???". HeHe. It was really cute, she just did NOT believe he had gone. Bubba just toddled around the house investigating. He hasn't gotten lippy with me yet. Oh my, I just morphed into my mother. She used to always say, "Don't get lippy with me girl." Yikes.

I am my mothers daughter. I look just like her too. I wish I could get some pictures of her from when she were my age scanned onto a computer so I can make a site comparing us. I look just like she did, only fatter, haha. My mom was a size 0 for most of my life, until she got older and had my sister MeMe who is now 10. She's still pretty little. She's barely 5' tall, and that's really stretching it. I come from a long line of tiny people. My Mom's mother, we call her Mamaw, is about 4'11". My dad is not that huge, I think he's 5'10". My fathers Mother is about 4'10" I think. She's realllllly itty bitty. I am 5'3", and My sister Carie is 5'4". We're the "tall people" in our family. My 10 year old sister MeMe is actually tall for her age, but I don't thikn she's taller than my mom just yet. My older sister Lorie is 5'9", but she has a different dad than the rest of us. Sorry to turn this into a confusing genealogy page. Hehe. I stopped growing in 8th grade. I know this for a fact because at my parents old house in Colorado Springs (the house my sister Carie lives in now) there is a wall right by the kitchen where we marked our heights for a couple of years. When I was 19 I went to Colorado for a couple of months and I stood next to the last mark, from when I was 13, and I was exactly the same height. I bet all that coffee stunted my growth, my Mamaw always told me it would. She would say, coffee will stunt your growth and turn your heels black. Weird huh?? Anyways, My height and my shoe size are still the same as they were when I was 13. I even have a couple of pairs of shoes that are probably that old.

Speaking of Genealogy, I really want to attempt to start mine again. I started a horrible, and failed attempt at it a few years ago right after I was baptized. My Dad's side is a piece of cake, because my Grandma has it all mapped out already, but my Mom's side is a total nightmare. Nobody knows anything!! I couldn't even get a good starting off point. I was also running into all this stuff I would have to pay for to get records of etc, so I got frustrated and abandoned it. I am going to try this again, after the wedding of course, I don't want to bite off more than I can chew this summer. I have some new resources some of the LDS chat people have given me, and it seems promising.
Ok, this was a whopping blog entry, but I feel redeemed now for neglecting it. Hope everyone made it to the end of this one!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

My wedding invitations are coming along AWESOMELY!! Wait...Is that a word? , it is now I guess. It's been bloggerized. Ok, if you'd like to read more about my AWESOME invitations, I must now refer you to the Wedding Blog now.

Life is peachy. That phrase is both an awesome album by Korn, and also the best way to sum up how I feel right now. I feel good. I have nothing to really complain about, although you should not hold me to that because I am certain I can find something if I really try. The only thing I really have to complain about is the fact that my Chunk is leaving on Thursday. I don't want him to go, we're having such a great time together. The kids are being nice to him too, they actually adore him. He calls Bubba his little buddy. Bubba follows him around, it's so cute. Bubba even said "Chunk", hahahaha. Poor Chunk to have been given that nickname by me. It's really stuck though, even people from the chatroom we frequent have taken up calling him Chunk instead of by his username. I think it's hilarious.

I didn't call him Chunk because I think he's fat or something, it started because HE was complaining he was fat a long time ago, and we were having a friendly dispute about it, and I knew his real name, so I said I was just going to start calling him Chunk since he was "soo fat", hehe. My mom was a little perplexed as to why I would call my fiance Chunk, but it's just a cute little nickname that has stuck, and not meant to be malicious towards him in any way. I love him, and even if he did get fat, I would still love him. So there, *sticks out tongue and crosses arms*

I think I should probably go do something more productive now, but I will start motivating myself to write more, it soothes my soul.
I am thankful for:,
My ability to write,
Band-aids (I cut my finger last night, and didn't have any!!),
Potted plants,
Support from my family,
Maternal instinct,
My health,
Singing babies,
My life.
I love you all!

Friday, May 14, 2004

This is the longest I've gone without blogging I think. Chunk got here on Monday and things have been so awesome. He's great with the kids, and they just love him to bits.
It's raining today, and it rained yesterday. Normally I would complain and whine about it, but I welcome the rain, I needed the relief from the sweltering mugginess. It is no fun moving to a third floor apartment when it's hot as heck out. School is out for summer! w00t! I am so glad I decided not to take summer classes.
I got a call back from Startek. They said basically I was chosen as one of the people they will hire when the new project starts up. He wasn't totally sure when it was going to start, but he said it would be very very soon, within the next couple of weeks. I am stoked about that, a job that will actually give me some hours!
Life has been peachy, and that's probably why I havenh't blogged in a while, I normally use my blog to rant and complain about stupid stuff. I am so happy to have Chunk here. We're having such a good time. Our daily trips to Wal-mart make me laugh. We've been to Wal-mart every day since he's been here. Everyday we think of one more thing we need that we forgot the previous day. It's a riot. I am so sick of Wal-mart I could spit. I am going to go and update my wedding blog now while I have a couple of minutes, we have some more things to move today so I gotta get going. I will try much harder to keep blogging.

Monday, May 10, 2004

WHOA blogger is different.
Chunk is here!!!!!!!!!!! I will post later taters. *hugs*

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I was so right. I DID have a virus. Not only did I have *a* virus, I had 11 of the little buggers. I had to break down and go purchase an actual anti-virus program this morning because the PC situation had gotten way out of hand, and my computer's efficiency was deteriorating by the minute.
So here is what happened. I bought my computer in November. I had a 3 month Norton Anti-Virus trial subscription, and it worked great, never had a problem. Well, I let it lapse because I was too poor and lacked the credit card needed in order to renew the subscription. I figured it was no big deal, I would just be really careful and I wouldn't have a problem. Boy was I stupid. My computer has been acting kind of funny lately, being really slow and not doing everything it is supposed to. It was also taking an insanely long time to reboot. The problem didn't really start being in my face and unavoidable until day before yesterday. Last night was when I was about to explode with frustration. I couldn't get on any websites, it kept freezing up and it was running super duper slow. It was also "thinking" non-stop, if you know what I mean. So I tried a few things, nothing worked. Chunk sent me a spyware removal program, and it had found a ton of spyware on my pc, but didn't fix the issues at hand. Today I decided to just go buy Norton Antivirus from Wal-mart. Of course, because of the worm threat over the weekend, it was all sold out. I bought McAfee instead. When I got home Chunk's brother helped me out a LOT. The things he helped me with made it so my PC would stay on and work OK enough to be able to install my anti virus and all that good stuff, so thanks to Robert and Chunk for all of their help! I ran McAfee and it ran for over 2 hours. When all was said and done, it had removed ELEVEN viruses from my system, and a boat load of spyware, even though I had *just* ran the spysweeper the night before! I started realizing how careless my decision to leave my computer unprotected was. This is the most valuable piece of my personal property, and I should be taking care of it. I assure you, after this fiasco, I will never be so stupid again!!!!

I am going to scream. My PC is having major malfunctions and nothing is fixing it. I thought maybe I got one of those worms....but I didn't. Then I thought it was spyware, nope. I have no idea what is wrong with it, only that they are a series of small annoyances that are building up, and eating away at me to the point I was to kick the hell out of my tower. I am so angry right now, perhaps I will blog when I am in a better mood. Later jerks.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

OK, I made one more because I was even more bored.
How Gay Are You? by thefaerietanzle
First Name
Middle Name
You are this gay..: 93%
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

HAHAHA I made one of my own because I was bored. Everyone take it, bahahaha.
How Mormon Are You? by thefaerietanzle
First Name
Favorite Food
Favorite Scripture
Your Attitude is..High and Mighty
You will have..12 children
You are most like..Lucifer
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

I took one of those silly internet quiz deals, and I decided to share it because I thought it was kind of funny. I am the Goddess of Anger,and I am weak against coffee haha. I wanted to share why I found this so humorous. When I was a teenager, I worked in a coffee shop my mother was buying from a woman named Robin. My older sister Lorie worked there full time, and I helped her out, but usually ended up doing most of the work. I made coffee drinks all day long, and I used to love to make my own creations. I was seriously addicted to coffee, my sister and I could not start our day without running down to this place by our house called "Latte Da" to get an iced mocha, or a carmel latte. It got to the point that if I didn't get my morning coffee, I would have a terrible headache all day. I started having panic attacks that year, and they were very severe. I ended up in the ER many times from hyperventilating and freaking out my family. I was refferred to a Psychologist and later a Psychiatirst, and they both agreed one thing. I had to stop the coffee. They asked me to eliminate all caffeine from my diet asap. So I did, and I had a very hard time with not drinking coffee. I would drink decaf latte's and mocha's, but sometimes I could still feel the effects of the caffeine, or at least I believed I could. My paranoia of caffeine became so great that I actually didn't eat a bite of chocolate for almost 2 years. My dad helped me break that fear by taking me down to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for some fresh fudge, where we happily gorged ourselves silly. I had a panic attack. My brain was trying to fool me to believe that all the fudge I had eaten had made me have it. I remember getting really angry with my father too, because he was the one who told me I would be fine. This whole experiement was to show me that I wouldn't die if I ate chocolate. Thanks Dad!! When I started investigating the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when I was 18, I learned that we are not to partake of coffee or tea. It was easy for me to accept the Word of Wisdom, because I was pretty much already living by those guidelines. However, over the years since my anxiety attacks decreased dramatically, and my love for coffee returned, it has become a very difficult thing for me. I absolutely love the taste of coffee, and even though I would never drink caffeine again in my life (caffeine still makes me jittery and anxious), I have slipped up and had a few decaf coffee drinks over the past 2 years. Coffee really is a weakness for me. It's like a drug. Though I haven't had coffee in quite some time now, Whenever I walk past the coffee grinders in the grocery store, or catch a whif off some coffee brewing at the mall, it makes me salivate. I miss it a lot, but it is an obedience issue for me. I know that the one time I give in and buy one, it will become OK for me to do it again in my mind. Growing up non-LDS and having two parents who have drank a pot of coffee each for the last 21 years, has made it a real struggle for me. I was raised so differently from how the Gospel teaches us we should live, and it is always a day by day struggle. I know it is worth it though and that is why I continue on. So anyways, I am rambling, but this silly little quiz was right, I AM weak against coffee!

Become a God or Goddess.
by zerogirl
God/Goddess ofAnger
Animal Companion:Fox
Weak againstCoffee
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Saturday, May 01, 2004

My throat is scratchy this morning, I think because I slept with my window open. It was pretty warm, but a slight nip developed in the air in the wee hours of the morning. I did not want to get up this morning. At least I was awoken by the sweet serenading of my almost-18-month-old baby boy. Yes, I still refer to him as my baby boy. He will always be my baby, he has such a sweet disposition. Hollie is no longer my baby, she's my teenager. She is pushing to grow up so fast already, you'd never know she were 3 if it were not for her extremely small stature. After Bubba serenaded me to my feet, I went and got him and brought him to my bed, where we just lounged around with a fleece blankey for an hour and a half. That hour and a half was very much needed, and I am now bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for the day.

Chunk will be here in 9 days, and I am soooo excited that my tummy gets in knots when I think about it. Being apart is torture! Another good thing about his arrival, is that it marks the end of school! No more even thinking about college after that week till AUGUST! Yay! I was going to take a summer class, but we all know from m,y previous blog entry that a certain instructor has angered me, and I will no longer sign up for her stupid class (which I have already taken mind you) just so it will will make it (not enough students signed up for it) and she can get paid for a job she doesn't deserve to earn money for. I am really trying not to be bitter here, but it's hard. I will hopefully have something more to tell you about on this topic after next Wednesday.

I have discovered a whole new world of music I never knew existed. On Yahoo! Messenger, there is now a feature called "Launchcast radio" and it plays online radio stations. I have been listening to various stations for the last few days. They even have 4 or 5 kids stations! We listened to all Disney songs yesterday. Today I clicked on "Indie Rock" expecting some retarded stuff I'd never heard of, but whaddya know! They play Bright Eyes, Deathcab for Cutie, Yo Lo Tengo, Modest Mouse, and a bunch of other RAD bands I haven't heard of, but are GRREAT! I am sure Mike Hagan will have some sort of gripe about this, but I have braced myself for it. Heh Heh. At least I am over my unhealthy Evanescence obsession. I still love the music, but I am not going to be stalking down Amy Lee again anytime soon. I still can't believe we stood outside freezing our tooshies off for a few hours in the middle of a winter night to meet a silly rock star. I remember my fingers were soo numb I couldn't wind the film on the camera, I had to ask her body guard to. It seemed worth it at the time though, and the memory of spending that time with my sister probably is what I love the best. I miss her!! *cries*

My plans for the day include moving a BUNCH of stuff over to the apartment. I had wanted to get started by now, but Shelley is still in bed and I need her Suburban so we shall see what comes of this day. I look forward to the days Chunk is at work like today, because we email back and forth and it gets rather mushy gushy and cute. I sit here sometimes after I reply to him waiting for a reply to my reply (confusing?) and it almost always comes. It's so much fun. I always get a nice juicy email on his lunch break. Today I hope I don't get one though, because he promised to take his Philosophy class packet to work and read them on his lunchbreak. Yes, I am using my blog to tattle on you Charles. He has a philosophy paper due very very soon, and he hasn't even read the instructions yet! So now he is getting a taste of what my nagging is like. You better read that packet Charles and start thinking about what your paper is going to be on. Before you know it, it will be the night before it's due and you'll be up all night scrambling to write a shoddy paper that will only get you a B!! You don't want that. You are very good with philosophical questions, I've heard you act that way in the chat room and when you debate people, I KNOW you are worthy of an A, so do it right ok? Ok, I am done tattling, but I hope your mom reads this and gets on your case too :) I love you! HeHe.

I am grateful for:
Indie Rock,
Bubble Bath,
Olive Soap,
His love,
Spending quality time w/ my kids,
My future in-laws acceptance of me,
My ability to still play the flute.
I love you all~~!