Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ok stupid cookie-brat tagged me on her blog with filling this thing out, and I can't control myself when it comes to these matters, so here ya go!

3 names I go by: Keke, Kekers, Kelper (my husband is WEIRD)

3 physical things I like about myself: Pretty much everything from the waist (when I have one of those) up is OK, I can't think of 3 specific things. I've said it once, and I will say it again, I look like a dang centuar.

3 physical things I dislike about myself: Again, the waist down, I look like a centaur!!!!!!

3 things I am wearing right now: Black tank top, black shorts, and a black hair tye around my wrist. I'm so goth it hurts.

3 favorite bands / musical artists: I could hardly nail it down to just 3, but I will try...Evanescence for sure. Amy Lee has the most gorgeous voice in the universe, and I got to meet her so they are a biggie on my list. My sister sang a beautiful piano song by then at my wedding, I will never forget it. Shakira is another, another gorteous and VERY unique voice, and man can that girl shake it like no other. She's the one who got me started with the belly dancing. Alanis Morissette was my MOST fav artist in junior high and high school, so I must not forget about her either. I like female vocalists with unique, albeit strange sounding voices a lot.

3 things I want in a relationship: Communication, Equal Rights :) and to always put God, and family first.

3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me: Just FYI, I rpefer MALES lol. I like guys with messy shaggy hair, guys who wear eyeliner, and the whole metrosexual/emo look. I also want to say I LOVE my husband with all my heart and he is none of those things, but it asked what APPEALS to me, so there ya have it.

3 of my favorite hobbies: Blogging, Painting, Making up silly games and activities with the kids.

3 of my everyday essentials: Water, prenatals, flip flops.

3 careers you have considered or are considering: I've considered so much, and when I was in college I changed my major a few times. Here is a list of things I've considered and actually taken classes for: Nursing, Communications, Vocal Performance, Performing Arts, Copy Editing/Journalism, Med School. I still have a burning desire to complete the latter.

3 places you want to go on vacation: Utah, Mazatlan Mexico, Alaska

3 kids' names you like: Girls: Tziporah, Anneliese, Lillian. Boys: Andon, Xaander, Reilly

3 things you want to do before you die: Be around my family and extended family, go on a mission with my husband, join the MoTab Choir.

3 ways I am stereotypically a boy: I fart, I won't lie. I like to fart on my husband at every opportunity, I hide my emotions, I'm a chauvanist.

3 ways I am stereotypically a girl: I love to get gussied up in make up and cute clothes, my fav color for clothing is pink, and I have boxes and boxes of hair products. I totally love shampoo, my sister works in a salon and I have millions of little bottles of samples too.

3 celeb crushes: Jude Law, Hayden Christensen (rawr), and Ewan MacGregor, whom I even liked pre-star wars lol.

Ok, well that was fun. Ta-Ta till next time!

Friday, May 27, 2005

*Pics at the bottom-for those who aren't patient enough to read to the end!*
I guess I can come out from my blogging hiatus.

I've been having way too much fun blogging in this haiku blog me and a couple friends started. I must warn can be offensive to some due to the genre of pictures most often posted on it, but it's not rated R, PG-13 at best. Anyway I put a link over there ---> if you wanna go check it out. Or you can just click the link.
We love it when people leave us a haiku in the comments!

It is getting very close to baby time and I am starting to panic. I have so so so so so so much to do still. I am in nesting mode too, so I've been really nazi about cleaning and getting baby things in order lately. I don't think this one is going to come early, but if it does...I wanna be ready for it. I am 33 weeks now. My weeks start every Sunday, so I am *almost* 34 weeks lol. My doctor said if I go into labor early, they won't try to stop it, they will just do the c-section that day instead of july 5th. I pray I don't go into labor early, Hollie and Charley are going on vacation to Illinois to visit their bio-dad and won't be back until June 30th, and them being there when baby brother is born is SO important to me. I want my children to be near me when I have the baby so we can have a good family bonding experience. Plus Hollie is super excited about the baby. She calls it HER baby.

I haven't blogged about this in a long time, but I found out that wal-mart sells POCKY!! Yay! We've been eating it again lately, it is sooo yummmy.

I wanted to post some cute pics I take of the kids on a weekly basis. We're a silly bunch of goobers around here. Chao!

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kids in the dryer

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Sissy forcing Bubsy to play dress-up

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Fat Momma!

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Baby Hat, what a silly nerd

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Bubba will NOT be outdone

Say Cheeeeeeeese



Chunk, the human junglegym


Hollie Google-Eyes


We shoulda nicknamed him Spike

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sorry, I've been lazy! Well, busy is more like it. Getting ready for the lil chitlin to arrrive and stuff. Life has been pretty boring actually, our daily routine has pretty much been the same. One new thing we've started doing religiously every single morning is as soon as we wake up we take our "bitey-nims". I started taking a new kind of prenatal, and of course Hollie needed some bitey-nims too, so we've been doing the Flintstones. It's a good way to start off the day.

I am 32 weeks pregnant and getting freaked out. For those of you who didn't know, we decided to go ahead and opt for the repeat c-section rather than face the scary risks of a VBAC after 2 sections. We haven't scheduled the date yet, but I am pretty sure we will have it tomorrow at my routien OB check up. One more appt. after this is my last time going every 2 weeks, then I start weekly check ups-ACK! This is all going much faster than I remember it. I am very nervous about having another surgical delivery, but maybe I can get up the guts to take some good meds this time instead of suffering with just Ibuprofen. We'll see though.

Tonight we're going to see the midnight showing of STAR WARS!!! My freak husband has sucked me into his world. Hollie and Charley will be having their first sleep-over at their cousins house. Hollie is way excited, Charley has no idea whats about to happen lol. They are taking their ready-bed sleeping bags. I can't wait to see if any freaks dress up like the characters at the theatre, and I am soooo taking pics with my camera phone if there is haha! We pre-ordered our tickets online, so we won't have to stand and wait luckily. Chunk gets off work at 11:30 and normally it takes him a half hour to get home, but we ordered tickets for the theatre right around the corner from his work so I'm gonna meet him there. He even wore his Darth Vader shirt to work today!! I still refuse to name the baby Anakin though, even though I *like* Star Wars now, I don't like it THAT much. We don't know what we'll be naming the baby yet, we've been back and forth and on the fence so much, that we may just say forget it and wait till the blasted thing comes out to name him.

I've been listing some more stuff on eBay. I think I may be addicted. It's so fun and liberating to get rid of CRAP and have people pay you for it. So if anyone needs a PC speaker/subwoofer set, a bridesmaids dress, or a set of fridge magnets..let me know :) I am having way too much fun with eBay.

Ummm I can't really think of much else. Oh, today I am taking the kids on a tour of the Olympic Training Center. It should be fun, it's gorgeous out and a lot of the tour is outside through the beautiful "sculpture garden" around the complex. It's a 45 minutes walking tour, so I hope I can hang, and I hope it tuckers the kids out so they will sleep at my sisters soundly. I will write tomorrow about how the freaky release of Star Wars is, and hopefully have some pics of chewbacca for you!!! Chao.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sorry it's taken me so long to post this!!! Our vacation was great. I had a blast at the BYU Women's Conference and the kids had even more fun traipsing through temple square both days with Chunk. I don't have many pics to post yet because I haven't taken them in to be developed, but I do have a couple of pics taken by my cameraphone, and a couple other kind folks have sent to me who were at the chatroom get-together!

The kids were complete angels on the drive over to Utah. I had brought plenty of snacks and activities to keep them occupied, but even when they were full, and bored of coloring, they busied themselves by playing with pinky and brownie. They were creating all sorts of make believe scenarios, including one where pinky was superman and brownie was Lois Lane dangling off the edge of the carseat screaming bloody murder. It was entertaining for us too, though the screaming was a little annoying.

We had a good visit with some of Chunks relatives too. We got to see his cousin and his Grandpa, and his Sister fed us some yummy food a couple of nights in a row. We stayed in the same hotel that we did on our honeymoon, which was less than a mile away from the Salt Lake Temple. I really wish we could have stayed longer, but that would have eaten up all Chunks vacation time and we need it when the baby arrives!

Ok I am going to post all the pics that I have of the chat thing and my trip to hoo-tah so far!

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My kids, Jennie Lynn's kid and her hubby..and you can see me and karin way in the background..I am wearing the pinkish black shirt and karins BUTT is facing us..hubba hubba.

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Cookie, Bret and the cutie little Haley (i dont know if i spelled that right!! ack!)

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Hollie TOTALLY in love with Doug and his dog

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Mt Timpanogos from the car on the way back to Salt Lake from Provo

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Hollie and Charley with their cousins Elayna and Aubrey playing dress up

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Tabi's ADORABLE little Peanut troy

And there you have it! My work here is done.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I've been tagged by Tabi. I have no tag-ees..because I think everyones been tagged already!

The idea is to pick 5 and complete the sentences, then pass this little meme on to 3 more of your blog pals!
If I could be a scientist...If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter...If I could be a gardener...If I could be a missionary...If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist...If I could be a librarian...If I could be an athlete...If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an inn-keeper...If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer...If I could be a llama-rider...If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be an astronaut...If I could be a world famous blogger...If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...If I could be married to any current famous political figure...

My answers are:
1) If I could be a bonnie pirate- I would drink as much rum as possible and sun bake myself to a beautiful toasty brown.

2) If I could be a chef- I would be a whole lot fatter than I am now, I LOVE my own cooking :)

3) If I could be an innkeeper- I would never turn away a pregnant lady riding on a donkey.

4) If I could be an astronaut- I would never do this because of my horrible fear of flying, BUT I would totally love to be weightless and flip around, oh and of course I would perform some sort of experiement in space and cure cancer.

5) If I could be a doctor- This is more of a HOPE of mine. If I could be a doctor I would probably move to a 3rd world country and set up a clinic and work really hard to be a fund raising expert and raise awareness of vaccinations.