Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I went to my Pool PT thingie again this morning. It was a lot harder this time because last time they felt bad for me. They were ruthless this time and worked me like a dog!! I came home totally pooped and passed out for a 2 hour nap. It is really helping my back though, so I will keep enduring the torture. Who know you had to *actually* exercise. I love how I feel after, my pain is significantly reduced, but the pain of having to be in a fat lady swimming suit in PUBLIC still hurts me, badly.

My heartburn is still wretched. I need to go get some Zantac, but I keep forgetting and forgetting. Even plain water gives me heartburn. My husband totally thought I was joking one Sunday when I told him that the sacrament gave me heartburn-but I wasn't.

Today my son decided it would be really fun to climb up on the kitchen counter and pour an entire huge bottle of fish food into Fishies bowl. When I corrected him for it, and took away the empty container of fish fod, he swiped at the counter in a fit of anger and knocked my wedding centerpiece vase down and shattered it. I was so mad that my eye started to literally twitch. I cried too, I couldn't believe he broke it. So the little monster was an inmate in his room for a good 45 minutes. He came out saying sorry, and my heart melted. But a few minutes later I caught him scaling the computer desk. *twitch* The child is persistent, and he has been into EVERYTHING lately. I think it's because his last 2 molars are taking forever to cut, and it's turned him into a little jerk. The Terrible Two's ARE real. I can't believe I am having another boy.

Hollie on the other hand, has been angelic lately. She's been very helpful with chores and she is learning to do more things for herself. She is very excited for the new baby to come, so she can have another boy to tell off. She's been the little momma. She wags her finger at Bubba and even yells at him sometimes. She thinks she's the boss around here. She is speaking more and more spanish, this week she learned some animals. She runs around the house saying "caballo" or "gato". Sometimes she tells me things in spanish that I don't quite understand. Maybe I need to study some too so I can keep up. It's funny though, she was so used to saying "tengo tres aƱos" (i am 3 years old). She refuses to change it to 4, she only says she is 4 years old in English, in Spanish, she is still 3.

Chunk is still plugging along at work, He got an unexpected raise, and also was recognized for doing well by getting balloons on his desk. He is starting to feel more appreciated there and settling in. He is also plugging along with his spanish studies, which irritates the crud out of me at times. We've decided to take a summer spanish class together at the local community college. It will be fun to take a class together I think. I am going back to college full time in August, but I think Chunk is going to do part time school and continue to work full time. He and I are both really excited for our Utah trip next month, he will get to spend a lot of time with family while I am at the conference. He has a cousin that speaks spanish there too, so I am sure he will be bugging him while we're there.

I have all these projects I want to do, but I haven't gotten up the motivation to actually do them yet. I really want to make a flannel board and sets of felt characters to go on it. I started discussing this flannel board with chunk and his mom, and I wondered if I put a dot of velcro on the back of the characters if they would stick better...and somehow the conversation turned into a bunch of "wouldn't it be funny if..."s. One of which being, wouldn't it be funny to have a velcro pajama and sheets set, so kids wouldn't be able to get out of bed? I think I cracked up at that thought for days. Anyways, I have made a ton of magnets lately, and it's now time for a new project. I think making felt people and stuff to go on a flannel board will be fun. I am going to make an ABC set and numbers also. Hollie can write her name now, so it's the perfect opportunity to start really teaching her to read. I knew how to read by the time I was in Kindergarten so I know it can be done. I want to teach my kids a kindergarten level homeschool program, so that by the time they actually start school, they will already know a lot of the stuff and they can catch on quicker. The only thing holding me back is that nasty motivation problem.

I wish I had more friends here that were married and moms. It would be more fun to get together as a group and do the homeschool thing. The women in my ward are a bit older than me, so it's hard for me to connect. And the women my age in the ward don't have kids, or they are married with husbands in Iraq or something. Hopefully going to college again will help me meet people. I just need to move to Utah, that will make everything better right? ;)

Thanks for reading my blog, I appreciate my fans. Ciao for now!

Friday, March 25, 2005

*Pictures Below*
I wanted to put that there in case this became a long ramble and you couldn't see them right off..i know some of you *mike hagan* have short attention spans.

Things have been pretty cool. I started going to Physical Therapy and had a great experience. They put me in this cool program where you do PT in the swimming pool. There is also a pregnant mothers water aerobics class I want to sign up for, but the problem is, the classes are held while chunks at work, and I don't have anyone to watch the kids. Poo! The PT is helping a little already. I still have a lot of pain but not as much as before. I haven't had the bad zapping pains, but my lower back still feels achy all the time. My therapist said my right pelvis is kind of stuck in a rotated back position and is causing one leg to be longer than the other. Spiffy eh?

We decided to try and dye easter eggs today. I was terrified I was going to have purple and pink carpet after all was said and done..but I only ended up with a slightly green son. I took a few pics on my phone....dang I love my phone. I wanted to share them, so here ya go!

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this is the finished product...

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I call this...FRANKENEGG!!

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Tasting the egg and not sure if we're liking it....

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Hollie looking elven..she reminds me of the dark crystal puppets...

Monday, March 21, 2005

This past weekend was a BLAST! We had Hollie's lil Birthday Celebration and it was a BERRY good time (strawberry shortcake theme). I now have a big old long string of pics for you. I will describe them all a bit first. The picture of her cake won't rotate and save for some you're stuck with it sideways. I got all the kids Strawberry Shortcake sunglasses and they were a hit. The pictures of Hollie dressed up are her new outfits she got from her Grandpa (my dad). One is a princess gown, it' the pink one. The other is a Ballerina outfit (purple). She looks adorable in them both and she hasn't gone a day since then without wearing one or the other. Ok..I will update better in a little bit..but for now..enjoy the pics!

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Friday, March 18, 2005

I bought these cool things called ReadyBeds. They are basically child-sized air matresses, but with a built in sleeping bag. They inflate in seconds with an electric pump that comes included. I bought them for our trip to Utah, so we could get a cheaper motel room and let the kids sleep in the ReadyBeds. Thier cousin Devilyn has one and they liked it alot. I bought them both from eBay. I got my first one in the mail, and blew it up to make sure it had no holes or anything just to be sure, even though it was still brand new and sealed in the box. The kids wanted to test it out so of course, they BOTH climbed in, because neither is patient enough to take turns haha. I caught it all on film, err cameraphone. I just wanted to share one of the pictures, it came out SO cute!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It's really irritating when history repeats itself. I think it's hilarious mostly....but it is also irritating. I am up late tonight pondering recent events and wondering whether I should change my blogs URL or not. There are some people out there who just can't help but be evil, and I don't think they deserve the privilege of reading about my personal life, and seeing pictures of the children they refuse to contact. On the other hand...I like my blog..and a lot of my friends and family members already have this I might lose touch with them.

My ex husband found this blog awhile back. He told me he googled my name and found it back around Christmas time. He asked me a lot of personal questions, especially about my being pregnant again. I practically had to beat it out of him, but he finally admitted to having searched for me on the internet. It wasn't that big of a deal, I thought it might be a great way for him to have more interaction with the kids daily lives, but there was to be one condition. He was not to share this link with anyone else. I don't know that he did, they may have just searched for it too, but either way..they annoy me. My ex husband has called the kids 4 times in the last 2 years. That's not counting all of the times they were kept secret from me, when the kids were visiting his grandmother. But as far as the kids being in my care, he has barely made an effort to try and contact them. He cares about them, but he cares about his bachelor life more. Now his family on the other hand..they think they are entitled to disrupting my lfie whenever they want to. My children are not public property. We're trying to have a family and a normal life. My children have no bond with thier father at all, Hollie only remembers what was brainwashed into her, and Charley has no idea who he is at all. I don't think we should be trying to force a bond that isn't there. My ex husband has been fairly communicative lately, and I love that. We were best friends as teenagers, and I hated to see that friendship die when we divorced. I am just following his lead though, I am not going to push him to be more involved, because frankly, the kids don't really need him. They have an extremely supportive and loving step-dad who is here every single day for them. but if he wants to be involved I think it's great, I wish he'd clean his life up more though.

As far as his family goes though, I am done. They called social services on my husband AND me, twice in Illinois, and once in Colorado. All reports came back as unfounded and we were given the option to press harassment charges on them. We decided to just let it go and continue on with our lives. When we moved, we didn't tell them our new address, and we got cell phones so we don't have to worry about our numbers being listed. It came to my attention today that they have been calling my little sister to pump her for information, which is smart on their end..because she's a very shy girl who lets people bully her, so I am sure she told them everything they wanted to know. I think this is total BS. If they want to know something...they have my email address. They have no business calling around to my family members to try and pit us against eachother. These people love contention, and I am SICK of it. My kids don't need this crap in thier lives, and I definitely don't need it. If my sister is going to be going behind my back and taking pictures and things for them, and letting them call her, then I will have to cut off contact with her also. If they want to see pictures of the kids..they can ask ME. I have a whole album of pictures I take of them all the time on my camera phone. All they have to do is humble themselves and ask ME for the access code. but they won't..they like being sneaky dishonest people.

For those not involved..sorry this turned into a ranting post lol! If you only knew what I have been'd feel the same way.
Abbey, Angie, Andrea, Kim, Mike, Shelley..whoever it is doing Phyllis' dirty work for her..please stop. If she needs to ask me something..she knows my email address. Stop playing the stupid games. I want no part of it.

Friday, March 11, 2005 is a ramble :)

I feel really, REALLY fat. I am already waddling around like a duck. I have never experienced anything like this, Hollie was extremely tiny so I never "showed" with her, and I carried Bubba so compactly that I never got huge with him either. Now I'm 22 weeks pregnant and feeling like I did at 8 months with Bubsy. UGH! I can't even imagine what it will be like in 3 months. I will probably be so miserable, but it's my own fault..I BEGGED for this.
Here is a brief list of my complaints that I plan to whine to my doctor about next Thursday:

Heartburn-no matter what I eat
Sciatica pain in the leg and now the buttcheek!!
Itchy Skin-AGAIN
Intense Lower backache
A ton of Braxton Hicks Contractions

All of these things bother me to no end. There are other things too, like being extremely tired, but I know there is nothing he can do about that. I am also sick on top of this. My nephew gave me his cold, and I in turn gave it to my entire family. We're all sneezing and coughing and have sore throats. My husband even had to take a day off work this week because he was so sick. I wish I could take a day off dangit. I am having some pretty abd cravings for stuff too, garlic being the biggest. I have been putting garlic powder in everything I eat lately. I prolly smell horrible to my husband..but at least I will have good cholesterol for the next bazillion years lol!

One thing I am really excited about is our trip to Hoo-tah next month. Yes, Hoo-tah. Hollie likes to call it that. We are going to be in Utah from April 27th till May 1st. The main reason we are going is so I can go to the BYU Women's Conference, but also for an LDS chat get-together on April 30th! Yes, I am the pinnacle of dorkness. I love Utah, it's one of my favorite places and this will be the first time the kids have gone with us, so we're excited to experience Temple Square with them. As a lot of you may know already, Chunk and I honeymooned all over Utah and it was the most fun vacation I have ever been on in my life. Among out list of things to do is visiting all of our chat buddies again. Let's see what else we can spill on Karin's carpet, haha.

I have been making a ton of silly little crafts lately. Mostly magnets, but I started getting some different things at Hobby Lobby, like little paper mache boxes to decorate. I also got a few tiny t-shirts to paint for the kids. I want to make them some bedtime shirts, and some "I'm the big brother/sister" shirts for when the baby is born. Hollie's 4th birthday is next Wednesday. One of her presents is a tiny Ladybug purse I am making her. I bought a little white handbag and I am using iron-on glitter patches of ladybugs, rhinestones and red fabric paint to jazz it up. I know she will love it, the child has a thing for purses. She is also getting a ballerina outfit complete with ballet slippers, an EZ Bake Oven, and a few other little odds and ends for her birthday. I told her she could go anywhere she wanted to on her b-day, and the girl chose McDonalds of all places, so that's where we shall go. At least it's cheap. I don't want another $60 Chuck E. Cheese fiasco like on Bubba's 2nd birthday.

I filled out my FAFSA and all my stuff I need to go back to school in the fall. I found out the college here has an on-site daycare center that takes babies as young as 6 weeks old. It is also charged on a sliding scale for us poor folks so I am really excited. I am trying to nag Chunk into enrolling too, but he keeps putting it off. I haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up yet, But I know I have a couple of things that really pique my interest, like Biology, English or Journalism. I am really considering majoring in biology and preparing for the MCAT to possibly go to medical school someday. A part of me still wishes I were still into communications though, I really miss my college speech/debate team back in Illinois a lot. Whatever I decide, I knwo it will be good for me. My brain needs some stimulating.

Another thing we've been looking into lately is pee wee sports for the kids. The YMCA has an indoor soccer team for 3 and up. Poor Bubsy is just too young for most things, but Hollie can participate. I might put him in swimming lessons or something just to be fair. The Y also has beginning tumbling classes for his age group.

Ok I think I have rambled enough for another week haha. Hope you all enjoyed this boring snippet of my life.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Ok...*some* people were wanting another post. I only have one thing to say......

I'm fat.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Well we went ahead and got a second car. It's a beater with a heater AND a/c! I like it, Chunk likes it, we're all happy now. No more being stuck at home, yay! We're about to go to Wal-Mart. I LOVE being able to get out and spend money while the hubby is at work *maniacal laughter*

I want to surprise him with a new mouse for his computer. He plays a lot of online games and the mouse he has SUCKS. I wanna gt him on of those neat-o optical mice. I am going to see if Wal-Mart has any. I can write about it here, because he NEVER reads my blog. He has his own blog, which he stopped writing in promptly after we got married. When questioned about it, he said he only started a blog to woo me! HaHa! So if any of you still have him linked..go ahead and delete it, he has no intention of ever writing in it again.

Ok here is a pic of the pimp ride..enjoy!

Oh yeah I had an ultrasound this morning. The baby is still a boy:) The ultrasound tech said he will weigh over a pound by the weekend! I knew he was a huge monster. I've been been getting bad heartburn every single day. the ultrasound was very cool this time, we could see a lot more neat stuff including the babies face, which was buried under my hip bone last time so we didn't get a picture of it at all. Thats all for now!