Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Sit down and let me tell you a little story. This happened yesterday.

First I need to give a little bit of background information. I was married before Chunk as some of you may know, to a guy I was highschool sweethearts with. He is the biological father of my 2 kids. We divorced when I was 20. He joined the Air Force when we first got married. After we were divorced, the kids were still able to stay on his free military health insurance. When we lived in Illinois, we could not take full advantage of this benefit because there were no military bases close by, so we used regular hospitals and paid co-pays and such. Now that we're in Colorado, we have 3 military establishments to choose from. As some of you may also know, Hollie has had a broken arm. She was in a cast, and yesterday I decided it was time to get it taken off, since the 4 weeks had passed. I called the military insurance company and figured out where to take her, and they said Fort Carson would be the best choice.

Now, to the meat of the story.

To gain entry to a military base/post, you must have this handy dandy stickers in your window, designating it as an authorized vehicle. Now, I do not have said handy dandy stickers, because I am no longer a military dependent. Back in the olden days, you could just show military ID, and go on through, so I figured the procedure was still the same. NO, it's not. I show my ID to teh gate guard, and he tells me I have to go get a pass. So I flip a U turn and go back to the proper lane, where they can issue me a post pass. Let me interject something here that really irks me. Gate guards used to be military police officers. Now they are outsourced security guards who aren't even military, they are like those airport screeners. First young security guard asks me for registration and proof of insurance. Well fork me, I am driving Chunk's car and I can't find any of those things. I start to freak, because Hollie really needed to get her cast off, and these pricks weren't going to let us on base. Second old man security guard tells me to calm down, and just pull off to the side of the road to have a better look for the paperwork.

This is where the story starts getting crazy.

I pull off to the side like Old Man tells me to. I begin searching the van for the things they need to issue a pass, but only come up with a title and an expired insurance card. A few minutes later Old Man comes over to my window, and says not to worry, "I will call the MP's down here so they can verify what they need to and get you a pass. I just need your drivers license and your sisters ID." I forgot to mention, I had my sister, her toddler son, and my toddler daughter in the car. So Old Man takes our ID cards and goes back to his little guard shack. We literally sit there for an hour and a half. The kids are getting restless, my face is getting sunburned, we're all hungry and thirsty and just wanting to go to the hospital and get her cast off and go home. FINALLY Old Man comes back, and says "I called the MP's twice already, they said they will get here as soon as possible". I say FORGET it, just give me me ID cards back and we'll go home and come back another day, we are so sick of sitting here, and the kids are getting restless. He says, "I'm sorry ma'am but I can't give you your ID's back, the MP's have to come check you out before you can leave. You are in violation of Colorado Law, and that's why we pulled you over." I lost it on Old Man. He LIED!!!! All along we were under the assumption he was helping us get a pass, when in reality the whole time he was waiting for MP's to come give me a ticket. They never "pulled us over", they asked me to pull off to the side and look for my paperwork. So EONS later, some punk 18 year old MP comes strolling up and asks me for my license and registration...DUH..the reason you are here is I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS!!! These are Punk's exact words, "Well Ma'am, I have a soft spot for Illinois, I'm from there, but I don't have a soft spot for ignorance." I lose it on Punk, and tell him, I was military my ENTIRE life and I never had to go through such rigamarole to get on post. He asks me why I moved to Colorado, and I said, "BECAUSE ILLINOIS SUCKS". He said there went his soft spot for me being from Illinois. I am crying at this point, pregnant and hungry and moody, and wanting my poor kid to get her dang cast off. He said he couldn't let us leave without providing proof of insurance, and I tell him bluntly that's not going to happen, and to just give me the ticket and let me go home. He goes back to his little MP truck and sits there for a long time. He comes back and hands me my IDS back, a ticket for having no registration, and a FLIPPIN' PASS TO GET ON BASE. The whole thing was a nightmare.

Hollie did get her cast off, but we were dicked around at the hospital too, and ended up waiting hours on end, before the Ortho people realized our chart had somehow been misplaced, and they had already sent the Ortho Surgeon home for the day, and had to page her back in to see Hollie. We left the house at 10:30 in the morning, and we didn't get home until after 5. What a mess. I am so glad we survived.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

OK..I am hopping right on the nerd bandwagon and doing a survey that has been making it's rounds in my little blogging community. I haven't done one of these in a long while, so hre it goes....

[x] Full Name: Kelie Marie Herrera Alderson Scoville
[x] Birthdate: 06/26/82
[x] Birthplace: George AFB, CA
[x] Current Location: Colorado
[x] Eye Color: green
[x] Hair Color: Dark Brown and BORING
[x] Righty or Lefty: righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: Cancer
[x] Innie or Outtie: Innie
[x] The Clothes you wore today: Old Navy Jeans, Old NavyPerfect fit T-shirt in Mauve, complete with pink rhinestone breast cancer awareness pin.
[x] The shoes you wore today: Earth Shoes brown clogs
[x]Your fears: currently- too dang many to type out
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase: I call people "Goober" a lot.
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: UGH stupid sun, go the heck away!!!
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Height
[x] Your best physical feature: my badunkadunk
[x] Your bedtime: 11-ish
[x] Your most missed memory: Chilling in the basement of my sisters house when i was was totally like That 70s Show
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or coke: I'm a Mormon, no caffeinated beverages for me.
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: Usually McDonalds, but lately Burger King because I am pregnant and I crave their grease.
[x] Single or group dates: single
[x] Adidas or Nike: Adida's shelltoes
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: Again, the Mormon thing.
-------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: Refer to above statement.
[x] Cuss: DANGIT, yes.
[x] take a shower everyday: That's what usually goes on, although sometimes life happens and I don't always get to.
[x] Have a crush(es): not at the moment.
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: YES!
[x] Want to go to college: i want to go back eventually.
[x] Like high school: YUCK..never liked it much.
[x] Want to get married: Already there.
[x] type fingers on the right keys?: Nope, I finger peck.
[x] Believe in yourself: Mostly.
[x] Get motion sickness: Only in the car.
[x] Think you're attractive: Once upon a time.
[x] Think you're a health freak: Again..once upon a time.
[x] Get along with your parents: Very well
[x] Like thunderstorms: They make me crap myself.
[x] Play an instrument: Flute, soprano sax
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------
[x] Go to the mall: yes
[x] Eaten sushi: no
[x] Been on stage: no
[x] Had sex: What's that?
[x] Been dumped: no
[x] Dumped someone: no
[x] Masturbated: no
[x] Gone skating: no
[x] Made homemade cookies: no
[x] Dyed your hair: no
[x] Stolen anything: no
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: yes
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes
[x] Cried during a Movie? (what movies?): YES, lots of movies make me cry, the most recent beiong Cold Mountain.
[x] Cried during a song? (what songs?): Tons of songs make me cry too.
[x] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: BAH
[x] Been caught mastrubating?: no
[x] Gotten beaten up?: yes..*tear*
[x] Been in a fight: lots of times.
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[x] Age you hope to be married: Already there.
[x] Numbers and Names of Children: 2, Hollie and Charley and one on the way
[x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: I had my dream wedding in beautiful Colorado, in June:)
[x] How do you want to die?: Not sure yet..lemme think about it.
[x] What do you want to do as a career: Be a Mommy
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: Iceland (W00t Sigur Ros)
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: blue
[x] Best hair color: brownish blonde
[x] Short or long hair: short
[x] Best height: taller than me
[x] Best weight: chubby
[x] Best date location: Uhh...
[x] Best kiss location: uhh....
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
[x] Number of CDs that I own: about 300
[x] Number of piercings: a couple in the ears, tragus
[x] Number of tattoos: 4
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Never that I am aware of.
[x] Number of scars on my body: one gigantic one from 2 c-sections, and a ton of itty bitties
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: Counting on my fingers and toes....
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
[x] Wearing: same thing as earlier today
[x] Drinking: water
[x] Thinking about: my butt falling asleep
[x] Listening to: Gold Bond commercial
---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
[x] Cried: no
[x] Worn jeans: yes
[x] Met someone new online: no
[x] Done laundry: no
[x] Drove a car: yes
[x] Talked on the phone: yes
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
[x] Yourself: Mostly
[x] Your friends: yes:)
[x] Santa Claus: I wish
[x] Destiny/Fate: No.
[x] God: absolutely
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: when I was younger.
[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: hmmm..
[x] Are you close to any family member?: my mom and sisters
[x] When have you cried the most?: when I got divorced
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: fleece
[x] Worst Feeling?: morning sickness
[x] What time is it now?: 11:34 pm

Monday, November 15, 2004

I went to my first OB visit today. It was very uneventful. Until the end of the visit that is. As we were leaving, we were going over some insurance info, and found out that the plan we were going to keep on COBRA really stinks. So we had to pay out of pocket for the first visit, and it was over $100, ouch. THEN as we are setting up my next appointment in 4 weeks, the receptionist asks me what time of day would work best for us, and since I will be in training at T-Mobile during that time, until 3:30 in the afternoon, I asked for the latest in the day. The latest she could offer was 3:15, which is NOT do-able for us at all, since while in training there is an extremely strict attendance policy. So basically 2 seconds after we fork over a hundred bucks, we find out this doctor will never be able to see us due to his working schedule. I was really ticked, becausde if we found another doctor who was open later, we'd still have to pay for the first visit THERE all over again! I really like my doctor and I didn't want to have to get a new one just because of a time conflict. So my husband asks the girl if she can just ask the doctor to see us a half an hour later just this once, and after we're done with training we can work out our schedules with T-Mobile better. She didn't seem willing to help us at all, but she went and got his nurse. She basically just told me not to worry, and to skip a month, and come in after the 7 week training is over. So they set up another appointment for me then. I will be 15-16 weeks pregnant by then, and I am skeptical about waiting that long, especially since I had massive complications with my first baby, but what can we do? Nada. So I won't be going to the doctor again until mid-january. If I feel the slightest bit paranoid that something is wrong I am not going to hesitate to call his butt after hours.

I took the kids to Jamba Juice this evening for their neo-pet tigerfruit juice smoothie with magic crystals. It was so cute, and very tasty. Then, My sister and I went to check out the new super target store. We were in awe and we stared at everything as we walked around the store starry eyes. They had a whole lotta stuff for just a dollar, and my eyes were twinkling at the thought of stocking stuffers! They had everything from groceries to nice furniture, and the store was even bigger than Wal-mart.

I still love it here, I am so glad we came to Colorado instead of rotting in Decatur. We've gotten some pretty snow since we've been here, but nothing too terrible.

I don't really have much else to say. I feel fine still, a little fat but no sickness or anything yet. I have no energy but thats to be expected when you're pregnant and you have 2 toddlers to chase after. I will update again in a few days. :)

Friday, November 12, 2004

Hello from gorgeous Colorado!

Chunk and I both got hired on at T-Mobile. We start our 7 week training class in a couple of weeks. I can't believe the training is so long there, that's impressive to me. It will be nice to work directly for a company instead of at an outsourcer. The benefits are incredible. They have a game room and work out room at their center, not to mention getting a cell phone for $9 a month. We are so excited. I am so glad we ventured out of Illinois. There is a whole 'nother world out here.

The weather has been nice up until a few days ago. It started to get really chilly out, but so far we haven't gotten any snow that stuck. I can't wait till Christmas, I really hope we get a lot of snow. The snow on top of the mountains is just beautiful too.

I am like 5 weeks and some odd days pregnant now. I feel really good, just really tired. I got a little bit sick yesterday, but so far today I feel fine. I have been craving spicy food, like Chipotle burritos and hot fries. I am still in awe of all the restaurants they have here. Chipotle, The Elephant bar, Red Robin, The Omelette Parlour, Taste of India, just to name a few of my favorites I had been missing in Decatur. I am definitely gonna get hella fat.

I don't have a whole lot else to say. Things are great. My son likes this show called BoohBah all of a sudden. Hollie likes the movie Labyrinth, she calls it "Bayba" because of the song in it that says "I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry". Gosh I love David Bowie. I have my first OB visit on Monday, hmmm what else. Bubba's birthday is next Thursday, he'll be 2 years old! I think that's all. Love you all!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

No morning sickness yet, YAY!

Colorado is peachy keen. It has been so nice here. I really love looking out my window and seeing mountains instead of rows of corn.

Today I vegged. My sister and I went to the mall with her son and my daughter. It was so cool to see REAL stores. The kind I always dreamed of. They have freakin' everything here, not as much cool stuff as Phoenix mind you, but Colorado Springs is definitely well on it's way. They opened up and Elephant Bar here, if you know what that is, you will know how rockin' this place is. They even have Qdoba and Chipotle. Hmm..notice how this entry is revolving around food *raises eyebrow*

I have been eating a lot. I had chinese food buffet for lunch. I was a little scared of getting sick. One time when I was pregnant, I ate at Country Buffet and after I was done eating, I was walking to the car and I started barfing in front of the restuarant, much to the dismay of the potential patrons about to go inside. One lady stopped and asked if I was alright, my dad just mouthed "morning sickness" and she did the awwwww poor thing look. I am glad I don't feel sick yet. I love food, and food loves me.

Kids are happy as little clams. Hollie's arm must be feeling better, she is moving it a lot and she is using it to pick up stuff now too. She should be getting her cast off in 2 more weeks. When someone signs her cast, she puffs up her chest like a peacock and struts around holding her arm out so everyone can see it. She is very proud of this boo-boo. The Brother still loves to clobber The Sister, so she still squeals and milks the drama of having a broken arm, but I think it's cute.

The Husband is very quiet lately. I don't know if he likes it here or not, and I even asked him and he said he doesn't know yet. The Husband is very excited about The Baby though, and I think this is gonna be a really fun pregnancy. The Husband loves food as much as I do:)

Bye all. Hope the StarTek people are still reading about my life, since it is SOO much more exciting than their own back in smelly old Decatur. I am NEVER going back there.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Just a quick post....
We're in Colorado now,
We love it here,
We already had snow,
We got our internet hooked up (obviously),
I have 2 job interviews tomorrow,
Chunk has one job interview tomorrow,
Kids are doing well and LOVING being around their cousin,
and I saved the best for last.....
I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant.