Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

HI STARTEK EMPLOYEES!!! I want to let you know I KNOW who you guys are...muahahahahaha. That's all I'm gonna say. SO go ahead and leave your nasty little comments. I'll tell, neener neener neeeeeener.

So I quit my job at STARTEK. Yesterday was my last day. I came in and worked Saturday because I promised my supervisor Shauna that I would. It was a good day, pretty slow as far as call volume, but very action packed on the floor. I witnessed for the bazillionth time, arguments between 3 of my team mates about how to raise a kid. It's really amusing. There is this one crazy girl who believes it's OK to get drunk and then breastfeed your kid. She swears the health department told her it was ok, and as long as she wasn't so drunk she couldnt stand and hold the baby it was fine. BAH! You sooooo cannot get drunk and breastfeed. The term Pump'N'Dump doesn't exist for no reason. So these arguments happen on a weekly basis between crazy girl, and two other parents on the team who try to tell her that what she does is NOT okay. I have piped in a few times myself, I must admit. Man I am gonna miss STARTEK! ( I am adding the word Startek in so much so the snoops will have no problem finding my blog in a search engine!)
I will not miss the crappy pay. My husband and I have already had interviews over the phone for a call center in Colorado that starts out at $10 an hour, My friend has worked there for 9 months and he is already making $14 an hour. Now thats more like it. That is what the rest of the world pays it's customer service reps. Somehow STARTEK gets away with paying dirt, because people will work for it. I know what that desperation feels like. I will never work for pigeon feeed again. I am worth more than that. This was the lowest paying job I have had since I was in high school.

Anyway enough about STARTEK. We're moving in a few days. We are very excited. We've rented a big ole truck to haul all of our crap across the country. We've made this trip a few times so it won't be that bad. It's actually kind of a fun drive. The only part I hate is Kansas. Such a long stretch of absolutely nothing. There are a few places I always love to stop along the way, like Stuckeys. They have a dairy queen in that:)

As some of you may know, Hollie has a broken arm. I won't go into detail about how it happened etc, but let's just say it was NOT fun. She is having her arm re-set on Monday, which means they have to break it again. It really sucks. She is going to be in some pain again, but she's a real trooper and I know she will get through this. She has had worse surgeries in the past.

We went to Boo at the Zoo last night so the kids could get some Halloween experiences before Hollie is going to feel like crap. It was fun! We rode the train and the kids got the holy crap scared out of them. Poor Bubba was making a sound I have never heard come out of him before, it was a pure cry of fear. Hollie was scared too, but she just clung onto my arm. After the horrible train ride we tried to make it up to them by letting them ride the carosel. Hollie rode on the lion cub, and Bubba got the Zebra. Instead of cheery carosel music, they played some creepy Bela Lugosi-ish recording, which made Bubba make the freaked out cry again. He wanted to get off the carosel. He was crying for Chunk. I felt like the worst parent ever. Overall they had fun though, they loved trick or treating around the zoo, and playing with their annoying whistles they got from one station all night.

I will be disconnecting our internet really soon, so it may be awhile before I post again. Until then, Ciao!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Mike could you do this to me?? (I write this knowing full well he doesn't read my blog anymore)

For all you David Burke fans out there, there was a sighting! I was on break at work last Monday, and I was sauntering down yonder to Kroger to buy some lunch, when a little red truck flew recklessly into the Fairview Plaza parking lot, and out jumped David Burke. I squealed, not kidding, as we ran toward one another in slow motion. We hugged, and I talked his ear off for about 15 minutes, and then was on my merry way to Kroger.

I LOOOOVE my work schedule. We just had a weekend in the middle of the week. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are so much fun now. Last night we took the kids to the movies. Hollie has been to the theater once before, but this was Charley's very first time. I expected to have to sit out a good portion of the movie in the lobby consoling a tired, whiney baby, but he sure proved us wrong. He saw quietly in his OWN SEAT, and oohed and ahhhed in all the appropriate places. He has light up shoes, which was a bit of a distraction to the other patrons, so we had to keep grabbing his legs and making him hold them still. Other than that, the night proceeded flawlessly.

We saw "Shark Tale". A very anti-climactic, but funny movie. It made me burst out laughing several times, but there were no real turns or twists in the movie to keep me riveted. The kids loved it, and that was the target audience so I would say it was a success. The fish that Angelina Jolie did the voice for was really annoying. I couldn't stand her big fat fishy lips while she talked. Come to think of it, Renee Zellwegers fishy lips were annoying me throughout that movie too. I guess I have something against fish lips. In any event, Shark Tale is a movie worth seeing in the theater if you are bringing small children, but if you're gonna go by yourself, just wait til the sucker comes out on video.

I have to be at work in 2 hours. Here is my morning routine: Wake up, eat, play on the internet, wake up kids, bathe kids, dress kids, pop in movie, bathe self, dress self, fly out the door to take kids to g-ma's, fly from g-ma's to work. Interesting, eh? I should have started this routine approximately 13 minutes ago. SO, I bid you farewell. :)

Friday, October 08, 2004

Well well well, the A-hole strikes again. If you want to know what I am referring to, check out the chatterbox. Someone at work posted a semi nasty comment a couple weeks ago, oddly enough the same day at work my supervisor mentioned something about blogs. I asked her how she knew what those were and she admitted to having read mine before. Weird huh? Someone's been doing some serious snooping around. And the last comment leads me to believe that they know me, which makes me even more sad, because I always talk about wanting to move to Colorado or Utah at work. I try to be friendly and sociable to everyone at work, even if I don't like them. This person can't even put their real name on here because they are nothing but a jerk. And if this is Heather, I'm going to kill you :)

Aside from work drama, (that place is ALL about the drama), things are good. Our new schedules rock and the kids are back now. And on that note I must end mine epistle. Time to drive the kids to G-ma's.