Today was a fun day at school. I did my definition speech in speech 101. It was basically, pick a word that starts with the first letter of your first name and write a speech about it. I thought mine to be particularly clever, but of course I have the most enormous ego ever so I think everything I write is ingenious. If Brian Marley ever reads this blog by some off chance, I WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU'RE A SICK SICK MAN, (and I think you're totally hot so that makes up for it ) BUT YOU NEED HELP!!!!!! And I suppose now I should confess that some of those anonymous two cents pitched into your comments section were from me. Ahem, ok. I feel better now getting that out. My creative writing assignments are going to be posted here eventually. I have one in my backpack I could probably post now, but eh, ok fine I will. This was my first poem I did in my creative writing class, take it however you will.
The City Smells of Burning Cornflakes
by Kelie Smelly
The City smelled of burning cornflakes.
Every morning I woke, opened my door to fetch my paper in gastric peace.
As days press on, turned to months, years, decades, nausea shifts to comfort.
A familiar sour-sweet smell of coffee,
mixed with menthol cigarettes,
A matriarchal breath.
I no longer sniff a stench,
while away that pungent odor escaped my memory.
Upon my return the gaseous cloud welcomed me,
Enveloped me.
I know now that I am home.
Ok, so the feedback I got on that thing was extremely negative and the class just started at me with "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?????" written all over there intellectual faces. Oh well. It's my art, I can do what I want with it. I also have some 'found poetry' I would like to share. I ripped these out of magazines. Here are two I liked and found somewhat amusing.
There are plenty of Photo-ops,
Illinois girls unite!
Mills observes, often ends in court.
We caroled.
Mile loop to Serengeti.
Of that was on "one and a half lane"
dust-not mud,
Reminders of British Country.
Auto's driven on the left.
And there you have it. If only I put forth have as much effort into my studies as I do blogging. I really should look into something more creative for a potential career. I think I have my priorities skewed at the moment. I am STILL at school, been here since 11 am, I should probably head home now. I may or may not write soon. With my track record it will probably be at least a week until I show my face here again. Ciao for now.