Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I am super busy today but I NEED to make an entry just because I want to stay in the habit. Nothing is every really new in my life. Things are OK. I have been better, and I have been worse. School starts in 6 more days, fun fun. I am actually excited because I have too much free time as it is right now. Ethan and I have two classes together and we have decided to share textbooks to save money. I went to the library with him yesterday, it was nice to get to see him. We rarely talk anymore, and I don't know if it's because I have a boyfriend now, or that he has a jealous girlfriend now, or a mixture of the two, who knows. Whichever it is, it needs to change because I am having Ethan withdrawals. I say it all the time, but he is the greatest friend I've ever had and I would rather die than have him disappear from my life. I just hope and pray that Steve doesn't start acting jealous of him like Tom was. It is so stupid to be jealous. In my opinion, jealousy just shows a lack of trust. I won't lie, I have been jealous of things in the past, but then again, there probably wasn't much trust in those relationships either. I have another freakin' cat. It was a stray who was crying outside my window for several nights in a row. Phyllis saved it and brought it over to my house, because she already has 4 cats over there. This is a very small black and white kitten. It is a boy, I checked, it has nuts. Now to come up with a name for it. I thought about calling it 'cow' but that isn't cutesey enough for my taste. If I had it my way it would be a girl kitty, so I have decided he is gay, therefore naming him something girly is appropriate. I will come up with something and make sure to let all of you, my adoring fans, know what it is. I will holla atcha later y'alls.


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