I started ANOTHER blog on that new yahoo 360 thing, so if any of you already read this..sorry! I am just pasting the same entry from there into this blog too, no sense in writing two seperate accounts of my day right?
I decided to clean out my main closet today in my bedroom. Tomorrow I will attack Chunks little closet, that's really filled with MY junk. I don't know what I got myself into, but I am finding cool stuff I haven't seen since before our move last october! I found a couple baby books and some photo albums from when my older two were really really little. So of course, I ended up sitting on my butt reminiscing and hardly doing any cleaning of the closet. I found a big bag of shoes I haven't worn in forever, a couple of the pairs had only been worn one time before they were retired to the closet, I gave those pairs away on freecycle. I found a bunch of trashy romance novels I used to read before I converted to the church, so I was thinking of giving those away too, but then felt bad because the content isn't that great, so maybe I should just throw them away so no one fills their minds with that garbage.
I also found a lot of church related books that were sadly retired to a box in the closet instead of being read. one was "The Miracle of Forgiveness" which I started reading when I was 20, but ended up feeling so horrible and guilty about everything that I couldn't read any more lol. I found my hymn book, which I'd be searching for everywhere for a couple of months now. I was really hoping to find more stuff to get rid of, instead of a bunch of stuff I wanna keep! I am such a packrat like my mother.
I am on the fence about keeping or tossing my old college text books. Those things were freaking expensive, and at the time being a single mom and college student was tough! They are almost like a medal of honor that I wanna hold onto, but they are taking up so much precious space. When you live in an apartment, you have to make sacrifices right?
So anyway, that's what I did for most of the morning and early afternoon. The toddler beasts are taking their afternoon nap now so I get a little "me" time. Now that I have all of the contents of my closet spilling out into my bedroom, it will probably sit like that for a month until I get fed up and just throw everything away :)