Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Friday, July 22, 2005

I started ANOTHER blog on that new yahoo 360 thing, so if any of you already read this..sorry! I am just pasting the same entry from there into this blog too, no sense in writing two seperate accounts of my day right?

I decided to clean out my main closet today in my bedroom. Tomorrow I will attack Chunks little closet, that's really filled with MY junk. I don't know what I got myself into, but I am finding cool stuff I haven't seen since before our move last october! I found a couple baby books and some photo albums from when my older two were really really little. So of course, I ended up sitting on my butt reminiscing and hardly doing any cleaning of the closet. I found a big bag of shoes I haven't worn in forever, a couple of the pairs had only been worn one time before they were retired to the closet, I gave those pairs away on freecycle. I found a bunch of trashy romance novels I used to read before I converted to the church, so I was thinking of giving those away too, but then felt bad because the content isn't that great, so maybe I should just throw them away so no one fills their minds with that garbage.

I also found a lot of church related books that were sadly retired to a box in the closet instead of being read. one was "The Miracle of Forgiveness" which I started reading when I was 20, but ended up feeling so horrible and guilty about everything that I couldn't read any more lol. I found my hymn book, which I'd be searching for everywhere for a couple of months now. I was really hoping to find more stuff to get rid of, instead of a bunch of stuff I wanna keep! I am such a packrat like my mother.

I am on the fence about keeping or tossing my old college text books. Those things were freaking expensive, and at the time being a single mom and college student was tough! They are almost like a medal of honor that I wanna hold onto, but they are taking up so much precious space. When you live in an apartment, you have to make sacrifices right?

So anyway, that's what I did for most of the morning and early afternoon. The toddler beasts are taking their afternoon nap now so I get a little "me" time. Now that I have all of the contents of my closet spilling out into my bedroom, it will probably sit like that for a month until I get fed up and just throw everything away :)

Monday, July 18, 2005

This is my little bean posing for the camera. He is way too sexy for his onesie. I am posting it this way to test out a new feature for uploading pics Blogger is offering. The days of photobucket may be gone for me my friend.

I am breastfeeding this lil guy, and I've started to wonder if he is having a growth spurt and is needing to eat constantly, or if I've become a human pacifier of sorts. Any comments on that? It seems like he is freaking out and needing to nurse every hour for the last 2 days. It's nice to feel so needed, but at the same time I can't even put him down to go to the bathroom sometimes. Can we say, SPOILED? I know they say you can't spoil a newborn, but I would have to disagree there. He is pretty much held 24/7 by either me or Chunk and he HATES being put down. It's fun spoiling him though, he's just so darn cute.

Well today will be my first day taking care of all 3 kids by myself when Chunk goes to work at 3. I am REALLY nervous, especially since my tummy muscles all still hurt like the dickens and when I walk around and do too much standing I semi-hemorrhage. Hopefully the older kids will be good little helpers for me like they have been when I had help in the house. I've only had to take care of the baby up until this point, while relatives took care of the older 2. I am having Chunk buy us a lot of easy microwaveable foods for the next week or so, until I am feeling up to standing to cook dinner.

I would like to take a moment to brag about my husband. He has been SO great through all of this, and he is extremely attached to the baby. He's been such a huge help, and I wish he never had to go to work again. I have so very much enjoyed our family time we've shared since Taylor was born and it's even prompted him to try to change his hours at work so we can try to have some sort of normal family life. Chunk said if they won't help try to get him on a better schedule, then he is going to look for a different job. I am so proud of him for standing up for our families needs with his employer, who seemingly doesn't give a rats fanny about him having a family at all.

Ok, that's it for now, the Bean is starting to wake up and I am sure it will be feeding/pacifier time any second now :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

So we have survived the first two weeks! Yay for us. Things are hectic, but pleasant around here, and we're all super in love with Taylor, and still oooh and aaaahh over every cute face he makes. He is an amazingly good baby, he only cries when he's hungry, and he doesn't stay up all hours of the night. The big brother and sister duo have warmed up to him completely also, which is so great and keeps life happy and sane.

My recovery is plugging along slowly but surely, still have days where I have a ton of pain, and others where I feel great. The few days I tried to be superwoman and do more than I should were sorely regretted when I suffered a couple setbacks in my healing, so I am back to lying on my golden chaise being fed grapes by my servants. j/k

My mom has been in town from Alaska since the 9th, and she brought my 11 year old sister MeMe with her. It's so awesome to get to see them both. My Dad and his gf also drove over from Arizona, and my Grandma and Aunt came from California. It's been hectic with the family gatherings, but awesome, since I only get to see these people every few years, and this is the first time we've all been in one place at the same time. Yesterday was my "little" sisters 21st birthday, and we all gathered to celebrate with a barbecue. I had a lot of fun, and it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. The baby slept the entire time I was there, I actually had to wake him up so people could enjoy him for a few minutes before we left for home.

Other than that, life is pretty boring, but good here. Chunk and I are so happy, having this baby has changed a lot of the components of our relationship, all for the better. I think I got the opposite of post partum depression, it's like post partum euphoria or something. I won't complain, it's been great. Here is a pic of Taylor I took yesterday while he was sleeping on my MIL.

Taylor Andon-July 13, 2005

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Sunday, July 03, 2005

I am home now, still hurting pretty bad so I will summarize this as much as I can. On Wednesday night I started having very regular braxton hicks contrax but I ignored them since they didn't hurt at all. The next day I drove to Denver to pick up my kids from the airport and was consistently having them every 10 minutes for like 5 hours. Then they started hurting. When we got stuck in traffic I started to panic a little. It took us over 3 hours to get home, but I was so excited to have my kids back that I pushed the pains I was having to the back of my mind, after all, they weren't like REAL labor pains. Ha. I called my doctors after hours # and they told me to get my butt to the hospital, which I almost didn't do because I thought they would just tell me they were braxton hicks and to drink more water or something, but since I had already called I went in. Good thing I did. I was in the labor and delivery area for about 5 minutes before they checked me, and I was only dilated to a two, but when you're not supposed to be in labor in the first place, the nurses seemed a little worried, but at this point chunk was stil at work 30 mins away because we weren't really sure if baby was coming yet or not. Well nature decided to choose for me about 5 minutes later when my water literally EXPLODED. Water does not just break, it freakin' shoots out everywhere. Then my contractions immediately picked up to a very intense level and I was being prepped for surgery. I called Chunks boss and he was speeding down the highway as I was being put into a wheelchair to go to the operating room. The doctor was cool and decided we could wait a couple minutes for him, and he walked through the door just as I was about to get my spinal!!! When the docxtor opened me up, he got very serious and told us to think VERY hard for the next 2 minutes whether we wanted to have nore kids or not, because my uterus had started rupturing. If i would have waited any longer in labor, there is a really good chance me and Taylor would have died. The doctor said if it would have totally ruptured I could have bled to death in less than 3 minutes. Luckily, the old c-section scar had just barely started coming apart, so they were able to repair it, but he REALLY wanted to tie my tubes right then and there, and stressed the dangers of me getting pregnant again. I was in total shock with him telling me this as I am lying on an operating table, and the doctor decided tying my tubes in a state of duress was a bad idea, and that they would repair the rupture and let me think about it, but I HAVE to get on good birth control in the meantime. So we definitely have lots to fast and pray about. From the minute I walked into the hospital to get checked, from the time Taylor was actually born, it was less than an hour. It was a whirlwind and I still can't believe it happened.
After surgery I had some bleeding complications, and my blood pressure dropped dangerously low a few times, and I had to have shots of some kind of clotting medication as well as an IV of pitocin for almost 48 hours to get my uterus to clamp down and control the bleeding. I feel like crap to be honest, it hurts to sit, it hurts to lay, it hurts to stand, walk, kneel, I just hurt. If any of you know about my panic attacks and the reasons why I don't take narcotic drugs, you will be shocked to know that last night I caved in and took half of a vicoden. I have a prescription for percocets but I am still too scared to take them, so I am putting along on 800 mg motrins. I am going to post a few pics now, and try to find a comfortable way to lay down in my bed, and I will be back sometime to update you all!

Since Tabi said I looked like a doll..i just HAD to post a more realistic hideous picture of what I looked like just a couple hours after my surgery... EEEEEEK!!!
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Dad and Baby

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Going home!!!!

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Well i am still in the hospital, had a few complications after surgery but i am doing better now. i might be able to go home tomorrow if the doctor will hurry up and make sounds today. i am sick of the hospital ugh. i will write all about my surgery and stuff when i get home. enjoy the pics.



Friday, July 01, 2005


Taylor Andon born June 30 at 10:21 pm. 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 inches long!