Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Friday, April 23, 2004

*Boring Entry*
Today was a pretty fun day. I spent a lot of time with my kids. Hollie and I made a little art project together. I was putting the finishing touches on Chunk's present, and Hollie wanted to make him something too, so I let her decorate a rock. It was a lot of fun. Earlier in the day we went and put Hollie's new toddler bed in the apartment. I am proud to say I carried that 'lil sucker up all those stairs myself. I am the worlds weeniest girl too. We drove around for awhile after that looking at all the pretty houses in the neighborhood I am moving into. We meaning Phyllis, the children and myself. Then we stopped at an estate sale looking for a couch. They'd had one for $10, and it was that cheap for a reason. It was soooo ugly. It was poop brown and it was really low to the ground. It reminded me of some military issue furniture we'd gotten in Germany, and also kind of like a really uncomfortable doctor's office waiting room couch. The cushions were flat as pancakes, and it reminded me more of a slab than a sofa. So the search continues.
I was off of my computer for most of the day. I even turned it off !! Chunk called me a little while ago. We had a really good conversation and it left me feeling really good.

My sister had surgery today. She is having some major problems with an IUD she had gotten last year. She and her husband were wanting to have another baby soon, so she went to have it removed and they couldn't because it had embedded itself into the wall of her uterus. So she had to go for an ultrasound yesterday, and it confirmed that it was dangerously embedded into her uterus. She had surgery today to remove it, no word yet on how that went. I am so worried that this will affect her fertility. She wants so badly to have another child, it would crush her if it were not possible. I am also very scared for myself, because I have the same IUD. I got it when I was married, and I never bothered to have it taken out because it wasn't hurting anybody and I also liked the fact that I don't have monthly visits from "friends" because of a hormone in the plastic. I've been reading the whole long list of side effects and warnings of using this particular IUD, and I am horrified. I guess before I got it, I never worried about it much, because my doctor had assured me the likelihood those things would happen was very very small. But now that my sister is living proof that those things DO happen, I am very worried. I want it out, and as soon as possible. I don't want my fertility to be affected in any way. The IUD my sister and I have is called Mirena. If any of you reading this are thinking about getting a Mirena, or any other type of device, I urge you to read the risks and side effects pamphlet in depth. My sister, just as I, trusted her doctor when he said she should have no problems. We blindly walked into getting it, because the sugar coatedness of it made it sound like the best thing. I also want to say, I have never had any problems with mine at all, and she did have some problems early on.
My poor sister, she is really having some bad luck this year, especially health-wise. My whole family is having a very unhealthy past couple of years.

I am grateful for:
Extended family,
Family prayer,
My health,
Infinite second chances,
The ability to forgive,
Bleeding hearts,
Breezy days.


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