Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Friday, March 19, 2004

My sister leaves tomorrow. Blah. That's all I have to say about that. Bubba Blue is feeling much better today, must have been a 24 hour bug. I made chicken nuggets for lunch and the kids are eating right now so I have a few minutes to blog.

I feel good today, despite the fact that I awoke a very cranky person. I think I should be checked for hypoglycemia because I am often a hoser when I don't eat. As soon as I powered down a couple nuggets I felt like a million bucks. I have decided to make a change in my diet again. I am not going back on weight watchers necessarily, but along those lines. I have been slipping in the sweets department and I fully blame Pocky. I wonder if I can sue them for making me fat and causing risks to my health like the guy who's suing McDonalds. I could never betray my Pocky in such a manner though, it's been so good to me.

I missed a lot of school this past week, so I am devoting this weekend to catching up on a lot of reading and writing my one act play for my intro to theatre class. I don't know if I will be here next semester, but I have already been working on new speech stuff, since I am *that* much of a geek. I have this great STE (speech to entertain) I've been writing about a woman's right to pornography. This summer I want to read 50 books and 20 plays. My goal is to become a well-read individual. I have been reading a few plays lately though, because my theatre class requires it. I think I've read about 6 plays this semester. I have read a lot of books in the past, but over the last 11 months I've slowed down to 3 books a month or so. I used to read that much a week.

That is all, the Keliemonster needs more glucose in her system in order to be a sane and responsible human being. *sighs* I am always eating...


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