Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I skipped class today. No babysitter again etc. Carie had a headache really bad. Last year she was diagnosed with a pseudo-tumor in her brain. It's a giant build-up of spinal fluid behind her eyes and it causes debilitating headaches. Since she has been in Illinois, she has not taken her medication once, so of course I am sure the fluid is building up again. I didn't want to leave the children with her when she was feeling like that, and of course she didn't want to watch them anyhow. It's Hollie's birthday today and I feel like the worst mom ever because I didn't buy her anything. I wish I could have but this stupid speeding ticket is worrying me and I don't want to spend my last $100 just in case I HAVE to pay it. My mom sent Hollie birthday money, and we're going to the big Dairy Queen tonight. It's really cool, it's a brand new one and it has a HUGE play area and video games and stuff. They even have computers and webcams there. I found a Chuck E. Cheese, but it's about an hour away and I don't want to force the kids to sit in the car that long. I feel like such a hick, we're goin' down yonder to the big ol' Dairy Queen tonight fellers. If anyone wants to come...We're having an impromptu birthday get together at the DQ in Mt. Zion. I am not sure what time...Probably around 4. Come one, come all.


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