Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Friday, December 12, 2003

OK, tonight was FANTABULOUS!!!!!! I had such a great time, and I was very pleased with how everything went. My only concern was my projection. All the men have these big booming bass voices, and my little soprano murmurs didn't have a chance. So, that is something to work on in the future. I have decided I REALLY want to try a DI or a prose piece for the next competition. I do realize that with just over a month to practice I should not hope for anything too much to come of it, but it will be great practice for me. Well, tonight marks the end of my second semester of my college career and I am honestly a bit sad to see it fade into my past. I enjoyed these last few months more than any other months in my 21 years. This is a huge turning point in my life. I clicked with everyone in my Speech 230 class so well that I almost feel as if they are family. Luckily for me, those same wonderful people are involved in forensics as well, so I will still have interaction with them. Oh boy, I need to get myself onto a regular sleep schedule soon. I am going to pass the fug out. Oh, I watched the most hilarious on-line cartoon ever!!!! Here is the link, it is well worth the effort.


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