Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

I just completed 1/2 of a major housecleaning project. Ever since the mono adventure, I have neglected a lot of things and I am getting them all back on track today, once and for all. If I have to make myself a chore chart complete with foil stars I will. I have class tomorrow, I have no idea what I am doing this semester. What is wrong with me???? How did I justify taking 17 credits in my mind at the time I was enrolling? I think I gave myself WAY too much credit in the self-motivation department. Taking on-line classes on top of regular ones is not a good idea. I suggest all those out there contemplating doing this look into either taking all classes on-line, or all physically in the school. It is too hard to push the on-line classes to the back burner when your professors old, lecturing face is still fresh in your mind. I enjoy my classes out at the college. Intro to Theatre is by far my favorite class. I wish I had taken Theater Production as well, but I was not aware you are allowed to take the class for either 3, 2 , or 1 credit hour. I would have gladly taken it for 1 credit and gotten done what I could. Our advisors are, to put it very bluntly, retards. They don't do much advising either, they sit and stare at you and punch in codes on their computers as you stutter about what you want to do with your life. They offer no suggestions, they just look at you and nod, then ask what classes that you want them to enroll you in. If you have no idea, you get the generic English, math, biology bit, with a humanities thrown in for flavor. Take me for example, I have officially changed my major 3 times now, and each of the 4 advisors I have seen has not questioned me once about it. I NEED GUIDANCE PEOPLE!!!! I am obviously confused as to where I am going with this, does anyone else care??? No, they punch in their codes for English, math, biology and humanities and send me away with a smile on their face. I just realized I am ranting. Onto happier things. My very very very very (times infinity) good friend, is coming to see me soon. I will call him Chunk. I call him that all the time, he likes it I swear. Anyways, he is coming to visit for Spring Break and I am excited. This is the first time I have mentioned Chunk in my blogs and I feel kind of wierd about it. I never know when the evil ex-in-laws are spying on me again. They never ask me about my life in person, they refer to my on-line activity to find out what's shakin' in KeKe's life. I live next door to one of them, you'd think she would ask me these things, but she just doesn't. She reads my blogs and my dilly page and then gossips about it to other family members, who in turn log onto their fake yahoo names and follow me around until everyone is so worked up into a frenzy that they all freak out at me. It is very stressful. I try to ignore it as much as possible, because the last time I confronted them on it, they all wigged on Abbey for telling me they were spying and kicked her out. I don't want to stir the pot, so I just leave it alone. I just wish that if they were concerned about me really, they would come to me about it and talk with me, but when I try they get defensive. So, Phyllis, Abbey, Andrea, Shelley, Angie, Kim, Mike, whoever else, if you are spying on me again, YES, there is a boy coming to see me...and I am very happy and excited about it. If you have any concerns, please see me, and not eachother. Thank you, have a nice day.


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