Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I am so tired lately. I think it's just a lingering effect from the mono, or maybe it's just the fact that I don't ever get enough sleep. I am on another diet kick (going to McDonalds yesterday set me back a few days) and I am wretched and cranky as usual. I think that like diabetics need insulin, I NEED chocolate to live. I am overwhelmed with this school stuff. I keep catching up and doing really well, then backsliding again and falling behind. I am locked out of one of my on-line classes because I wan unaware I had to buy an additional $16 access code. I am broke right now so who knows when I can get back in it again.
My sister CJ will be here in just a few short weeks, and I can't wait. My own family here, wow, it will be so awesome. I know we will probably have our tiffs, we're both cancers, it's to be expected. Overall I think them moving here is a giant leap forward for them. It's so hard to make it in Colorado Springs, the cost of living is unreal, the crime is getting out of hand, and they just don't have good ol' ADM out there. I am going to sound like a giddy 16 year old, but EVANESCENCE is coming in concert here next month, and I am sooooo there. Me and Carie are gonna go, just like old times, before either of us became baby factories.
I have been neglecting my paper journal again. I can't believe I wasted so many pages in there about you-know-who. I hate it when a friendship dies. I will not hate him though, he is a total waste of my hatred. This is a very pissy sounding blog entry. I really feel quite swell today, I fudged my diet a teensy bit and had a few M&M's so my crankiness level is tolerable for the moment. I need to work on speech stuff today. I can't afford to wait till the last minute like the last time. Memorizing your stuff at 5 am the night before is not a good idea, let me tell you. I am rambling, I have seriously considered being tested for ADD because my mind is not able to cope with one thing at a time. I am leaving now before I type something I will regret, and then later have a huge hassle trying to go back in and edit.


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