Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Friday, March 26, 2004

So the stupid Woodstock picture doesn't work. How lame is that. Chunk left this evening. I miss him soooo much already. I am sitting here waiting for him to call to tell me he got there ok. I have all these intrusive and paranoid thoughts about his plane crashing, or maybe he got into a car wreck outside the airport, pr maybe his parents killed him for making the crazy choice to move here. I really don't know what to think, but the sleep deprivation is probably the cause of my insanity tonight.

So, the ex-in-laws are at it again, and this time they are in fine form. The ex-mother-in-law has decided to move back to Decatur. Hooray (rolls eyes). She is the most psycho of all of them. And get this...She tells me she is moving into MY house next week. I about shat myself. She is truly a dangerous person, and I have NO desire to live near her, or even in close proximity. So I had a mini meltdown and cried a lot. Then I get this email from My ex husbands sister and it's basically to warn me that they are about to do something drastic. She says that the Grandma (the one who lives next door) seems to think she has some dirt on me that can get me arrested and have my kids taken away. I spazzed when I heard that. I don't know what to think. I haven't done anything illegal so I'm not terribly worried, but the mere fact that they are even *thinking* about doing something like that sickens me.

Chunk saves the day. We decide to get an apartment together. We go down to this apartment complex we find online, because it was super cheap and we take a look at a two bedroom. It was really nice! We loved it. So I guess as of April 9th I will be moving into the apartment...And he's going to finish out his semester in Colorado and head out here after it's over. And then....dum dum dum......We're gonna get married. Yes, I know, It's a shocker. But, we really love eachother and we both feel GREAT about starting a life together. He's my mini-me...He completes me *tear*.

I start work at Kroger on Monday morning. I am looking forward to it because I feel like I need to be more productive. School with no job just isn't working out for me. I feel like a lazy poor ass. I will be working evenings in the deli, which seems to me would be kinda cool...It's always kinda dead in there that time of day. Plus, I do love Krogers Deli sandwiches...The Turkey and Swiss on sweet bread is divine. I wonder If I can make some hella fat subs and then buy them after my shift is over. Better yet..I wonder if I get a discount! I don't know what the ex-in-laws will say once I tell them my little plan. My guess is that tomorrow we're going to have a huge blowout. I also wonder if they will take away my car. That would really suck, since I got hired at the Kroger in south shores and I am going to be living way up on Mound Rd.

Hmmmppphhh. It's 1:31 am..and I am STILL sitting up waiting for the phone call that let's me know he didn't die. It's torture I tell you....I am going to bed with the phone on my pillow. Ciao.


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