Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

My little sister has this blogging habit that I am going to try to adopt. At the end of her posts she lists everything she is grateful for. It makes her long list of complaints seem less harsh and it lightens the mood a bit. I do realize I go off on long rants and that would get very annoying day after day. So this blog is going to be a list of things I am grateful for.

I am grateful for....
My Heavenly Father,
My children,
My family and friends,
The opportunity to go to college,
Being born in America,
Modern medicine,
The kindness of strangers,
Being divorced,
Being able to know what love is,
My chat friends,
Kazaa Lite,
Disposable diapers,
Being able to nurse my children,
Bottled water,
Tilapia fish,
Weight Watchers,
Air conditioning,
All of my talents,
Big fluffy pillows,
Polar fleece,
Having the time to type this,
My scriptures,
A lot of other stuff, including Pocky.

I am feeling very insightful today. Obviously there are a lot more things that I am grateful for, but I am having a hard time putting them into words. Making that list really makes me think about the fact that none of the material things matter at all. When we die, we can't take any of it with us. We can only bring our souls. I didn't go to church today, I am thinking I shoulda.


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