Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Well it's Sunday and I am home from both the best, yet the worst speech trip I've ever been on. The first day, Friday, was so awesome. As we left Harper college bound for our hotel and Denny's I was on cloud 9. My favorite event was one called Group COmmunication, and it is only offered at Harper College, so it is essentially a once a year event. They put 7 people in a small room with a judge, and you are given a problem to solve as a group. There are no rules, only that you have 45 minutes to complete the task. You are being judged on your interpersonal skills, how you work as a team, how you use your communications skills to advance the groups progress, and also on non verbal communications skills, and how well you listen. Our first problem was to build a tower 36' that could support an American flag at the top and be free standing. We were only allowed to use the materials given to us in a bag. There were newspapers, various types of tape, pipe cleaners, magazine, string and clothespins. We completed our tower in less than 15 mins, then we played around and decorated it with colored pipecleaners and took pictures for 5 more minutes. It was great, plus i met the HOTTEST guy ever, named Nels. I'm in love *sigh*. I will probably never see him again, but dang, he was sooooo hot. I have to go to cracker barrel with my sister now, but I will blog about this more later.


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