Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

OK...The hot or not thing...Just a site I've been totally addicted to since my dad showed it to me when I was 17. He would sit there all day and rate people. You can't get enough of it I swear. I decided to put my picture up there a few months ago...But I took it down when I only got a 7...So I put a different picture up...Same thing, a 7...So a few weeks ago I put an even better picture up...And now I'm down to a 6.9. I am not happy. If you don't have your boobs hanging out, the haters that sit on there all day rating people give you a low score. I am listening to some new bands that a friend introduced me to the other day. One is Collide which I REALLY love, and Nightwish, beautiful vocals, but I'm not so crazy about everything else. There is no school tomorrow, OR Thursday hallelujah!!!! I need this time to prepare my speech team stuff, and also to get started on writing my one act play for my theatre class. I've been shirking my theatre class in a major way. I have to give an oral report soon on the history of readers theater also. *sigh* My parents divorce hearing was postponed until June due to my Mothers health. I wish they would just get it over with, they have been separated since 1997. It stresses me out listening to the both of them worry and freak out about who's going to get what. I don't want to be in the middle at all. I am also a little pissed at my dad because he doesn't seem to be worried about my mom being sick at all, and I am REALLY worried about her. I do not trust doctors one bit, especially after having Hollie and seeing how she suffered because of their negligence. I know that medicine is not 100% accurate and mistakes are made and whatnot. I am incredibly worried about my mom, and I think she doesn't deserve to be stressed out right now. I am super stressed, cranky, depressed etc, but it comes and goes. It is so easy to put on the everything-is-peachy face and go on, when all I really want to do is scream at everyone "DON'T YOU REALIZE I AM HURTING INSIDE????????" even though there is absolutely nothing anyone can do.....I dunno. I have been using this blog as a whipping boy lately. I feel some angst filled poetry coming on. I really hafta watch what I say in here though, due to 'real life' people reading it. No guys....I don't need an intervention...I am not going to kill myself or anything, but damn, I could sure use a hug. I saw Ethan in my theatre class today....Again...He didn't even look at me. Ouch. I thought we were friends. I go back and read the emails he has sent me and I can't even bring myself to believe it is the same person. Makes me sick to think about it. All I will say is.......I HATE HER.


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