Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Valentine's Day rears it's ugly head once more. For all those that do not know...I was married on Valentine's day. A lot of people mourn their Valentine's Day, but I will not. I will use this day to be greatful I am out of my sick relationship. I won't lie, I am a bit sad, but that is because it's been just about a year now since my marriage died. This would have been my third wedding anniversary had we not divorced. Last March when I got my divorce papers served to me....I looked at what date they had been filed by him.....February 14th. What kind of sick bastard would get off work, go down to the court house and file for divorce, then stop at the store to get valentines day chocolates for his wife and pretend nothing were amiss. I was unaware he was divorcing me until I received the paperwork 3 weeks later. I had continued to live with him, cook for him, make love to him....All during the time when he KNEW damn well I would be served with those papers any day. Most people 'ask' for a divorce. I know it's kind of ridiculous to ask for one, it is not as if you can say "NO, you can't have one", but at least the other party is aware of what is to come. I had no warning at all...He showed me no signs that he was about to do that, in fact, the few months just before he filed, we were doing the best we ever had. We went to a Christmas party for his job and we sat outside under the stars and made out like high schoolers, and he told me how much he loved me and all that CRAP. And I know he meant it at the time. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, he is Bipolar. He is. When he was on his lithium things were better. I know it is shameful to his family that he has a MENTAL ILLNESS but someone needs to damn well say it already. He knows it, and you all know it, and none of you will ever talk about it. When he was on his lithium 3 years ago, he was the most loving man I had ever known, but because he joined the military and now everyone has to be all hush hush about his ILLNESS, he is sick. The fact that he knows he has problems and refuses to acknowledge them, if not for anyone else but his kids, really disgusts me. Being bipolar does not excuse his behavior at all, especially since he is very well aware that he is bipolar and needs medication to function as a normal human being. I don't care...If any of his family is reading this..I hope you realize how sick he really is. And what is even more sick is that I loved him.


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