Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I know, I'm slipping. The last couple entries I cheated and just posted a picture or silly quiz. I will do better I promise.
This past week has been so awesome. My kids are just being so great. I love it when they get along. Hollie keeps telling her little brother " I'M the mama!" and then she bosses him. The cute thing is, he listens. He positively adores his sister and he would do anything she told him to. This idea is a little scary to me, because I am 100% certain Hollie is going to be my wild-child and I'm sure she's going to get Bubba into all sorts of mischief. Sort of how I corrupted my very own younger sibling. I made my sister hang out with me and my friends and she smoked pot with us as young as 12 years old. That's younger than I was even. I was 14 when I first smoked pot. I feel bad about dragging my kid sister along and getting her into all sorts of trouble, but those are fond and oftentimes amusing memories and stories to tell at family get togethers. (sidenote: I no longer smoke pot if you were wondering).

I'm listening to a lot of old Outkast today. I do not know why, but it makes me happy right now. I just got done listening to ATliens. Man that was a weird CD. My musical tastes and preferences are ever-changing. I wonder if I will listen to 'oldies' when I am 40. I wonder what will be considered an 'oldie' by then. I cannot envision Britney Spears being played on an oldies station. Or Limp Bizkit or something. That would be so weird. I can't even imagine myself being 40. I am 21 and already wigging out because I have a 3 year old past week I've been switching between old school rap and death metal. With some emo thrown in for flavor. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I actualy have a playlist on my PC entitled "The I Want To Kill Myself Mix". It's a nice mix of every uber depressing song I've ever heard. I also have a "House Cleanin' " playlist which has every annoying new wave 80's song created. I want an MP3 player so bad. Maybe I can buy myself one for my birthday.

On to more pressing issues. I have become a vegetarian again. Not a vegan mind you, I still enjoy the little dairy that my lactose intolerant body can handle. I guess I can't really say I'm a vegfetarian because I adore fish and shellfish and I will NEVER ever ever give up my loveerly lemon pepper Tilapia and shrimp scampi. I haven't eaten meat in a little while now and I've been peddling the PETA website on my away messages. I'm not caught up in all the mumbo jumbo political garbage, but I do think we have plenty of food choices other than dead animals that rot in your intestines and clog your arteries. If you see me eating meat at school, or in public for that matter, please come smack me in the back of the head. It's not hard actually, because I've been addicted to those Gardenburgers for the last couple of years and recently I discovered this fake barbecue 'chicken' made from soy protein that honestly tastes JUST like real chicken. Even my children enjoy it. They never liked meat anyways. I hated that, I would have to forcefeed it to them. My kids are natural vegetarians. I would have to bribe Hollie to eat a hamburger. They are such weird kids. They love vegetables. The other night Hollie insisted she wanted corn for dinner. Just corn. I let her have it. She did end up begging for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich right before bed though.

Ok, I think this entry is quite long enough and I think I have redeemed myself for slacking off lately. I've been so busy, mostly with my thoughts about Chunk. Teehee. I am so giddy when I talk about him. I don't want my happiness to show through onto this blog thjough. I must remain a contrary and bitchy writer or my blog won't be 'cool' anymore. Ha.

And now for the things I am grateful for today....
Soy protein,
Slobbery baby kisses,
The Lion King Special Edition DVD.
That's all for now, Have a blessed day!


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