Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've just been bumming around and adjusting to married life and stuff. I got a job at Startek. I get mixed reactions about that place, some people think it sucks really bad, others think it's grand. I personally's a job. I am just thankful to have one at all. Chunk also found a job already. He started yesterday. He's an assistant manager at a payroll advance place. He works in Decatur, and once a week at the Taylorville store. Things are going pretty well around here.
The 4th was fun. Erica and Ian came over. Erica brought her friend Aaron and we all ate and goofed off and lived it up like the nerdy kids we are. Mike Hagan had mentioned coming over to me, and to Erica a couple times. Come Sunday night, no sign of Hagan. We called the cell number he gave us to no avail. It says it is not a valid Verizon user. Whatever Mr. Snob. So we called his house and found out he had to work till 10. So much for that.
We got this ice cream maker for a wedding gift and we've been using it like crazy. We have homemade ice cream close to every day now. If anyone wants to come over for some, call me!
Hmm what else. I got some new pajamas.
OOOh I know!! I am addicted to this site called It is so much fun. You have a virtual pet and you feed it and stuff (sometimes mine go into dying mode) and there are tons of free games on the site. The little yellow guy to the right of this blog is my first-born. His name is MiZeKe the Kacheek. Anyways, they have a referral program on neopets. If you refer 10 people you get the infamous paintbrush. Those cost like a million dollars in neo currency. My 10 year old sister plays neopets (she got me into it) ad she's been wanting a paintbrush really bad so I decided to refer people to get her one as a surprise. I have 9 referrals so far. I need ONE more person!! I know one of you readers is dying to have a neopet and join my neofamily!! To sign up click on MiZeKe over there --> and create a pet. It's fun I swear, and totally free. I am so hooked, I can't get away from that stupid site.
Anyways, I need to take my rugrats to South Shores park to play for a bit, they are getting a little stir crazy. I love you all!!!


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