Musings From A Psycho Hosebeast Woman

Random thoughts, rants, and saucy romance stories.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

I have been working all week. I like the job, the hours suck. I get off work at midnight, race home and try to spend a couple minutes with my husband. The kids are already in bed at this point of course. The next morning I wake up, get the kids up, get Chunk off to work, shower, bathe and feed the kids, everyone gets dressed, try to clean the house, then after that it's almost lunchtime. After lunch, it's time to drop the kids off at Guh's house and it's off to work I go. So I see my husband for approximately 3 waking hours. Sleeping next to someone is not what I call quality time. I see the kids for about 5 hours. My days off are Saturday and Sunday. Chunks only day off is Sunday. Sunday we go to church so that eats up another 3-4 hours of our "together time". But Sunday evenings are all for us. It's  gonna be great. I am really looking forward to tomorrow.
I just wanted to complain about something.
I really like my job. I can't believe so many people quit there all the time. There are lots of incentives and perks to working there, and all of the people are so nice. The training is extensive as well, and I feel really comfortable being there. This opinion is subject to change at any given moment, but as for right now, I am really enjoying my job. My only gripe about my job is the hours, as you have already read. When I get out of training, I will be geting off work anywhere between 9 and 11 pm, which is better, but still not great. I miss my husband when I am at work. I think it makes us really appreciate the moments we do get to spend together so much more.

I recieved our wedding picture CD's in the mail today, I am itching to look at them. I want to wait for Chunk to get home from work and look at them as a family, but somehow I think I might end up sneaking a peek before then. I just can't wait, the anticipation is killing me!!!

Our little family is shaping up nicely. We had a few rough spots recently, and had a couple of arguments over the most stupid things. I think that is all water under the bridge now. Things feel very peaceful, and I have never been so happy in my life. The kids are really happy too, and they warmed up to Chunk rapidly. They refer to him as Dad now. He takes such good care of them in the evenings while I'm at work. He has them from 6 pm until i get home, and so far he's done a fabulous job.  When I get home the kids are already bathed, in their pajamas and slumbering silently. They love him so much. now when they wake up at night crying, they call for him instead of me. It makes me sad a little, but also makes me smile. they know that they can rely on him, and that's a beautiful thing. I could go on and on all day about all of the awesome-ness of my husband, but for the sake of space and time, I will just end it there. I will just say this, he is the most wonderful husband on the planet.  He really should win a husband of the year award. :)

I am going to go gather up laundry and do some dishes now, but I will try my hardest to keep updating on a regular basis. Love you all!


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